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Facebook and Blocking


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Does anyone know how the blocking works? I haven't had any contact with my ex since I found out he was cheating almost a year ago. While I've moved on, and am dating someone, I do prefer to continue having no contact with him (for what use?


Now I spent Thanksgiving with some friends who knew him before me (and one of them is still Facebook friends with him, although he never sees him). I brought this friend some craft beers to say thank you to him and his wife for having me over for Thanksgiving. He posted them on FB and tagged me in the photo. My ex liked the photo. There's no question as to why did he like it or whatever, I really DGAF about that part... I just wonder what he can actually see.


I have him blocked on all social media (and phone etc). I do believe he still has me blocked (I know he used to). So he can't see what I personally post, but what about if I'm tagged in photos of status updates of mutual friends? Is that visible? What if I post and tag a mutual friend (which happens occasionally as I'm close with them).


I also have some other undesirable people blocked who may have mutual friends, so I'm curious


Thank you and I hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving.

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I would think they can't see anything you're tagged in if you blocked them. I really don't know. What concerns me is that you can see that she liked something you were tagged in. If my ex likes something that someone else posted, I can tell if the number of likes is one greater than the list of names that liked it because her name doesn't show in the list. But I never see my ex on Facebook. That's really weird.

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If you were tagged in the photo, he likely can see your name, but it wouldn't be hyperlinked to your page (if that makes sense). Your name won't look clickable.


However, I agree with Seymore that it's really weird you can see that he liked the photo. My ex and I both have each other blocked, and I can never see him like anything on mutual friends' posts. Like Seymore said, I have noticed once or twice that the like count is one higher than the list of names, which means he (or someone else who has me blocked) liked it, but I cannot see his name on the list. I believe he was tagged in a photo once too, but like I said, I could see just his name - no hyperlink or way to access his page.

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Oh, no I couldn't see he liked the photo. My friend told me (he is a very apologetic friend and felt bad - for absolutely no reason, lol). I couldn't see myself that he liked the picture (same with other people I have or that have me blocked), so it showed up with like 23 likes but i can only see 22 people.


That I just wouldn't be hyperlinked makes sense. That could be it. Nobody tags him (they've mostly cut him out for various reasons and just have him on FB) so I can't see the opposite side.


Thanks resume your regular scheduled activities

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