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How do I get off Mt. Everest?

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This is a topic that isn't as common on these forums (and no, it's not about Mt. Everest - more on that later). Many people here (such as myself) need help getting a girl; how about trying to avoid one at all costs?


You see, there is this girl in my school who is just really crazy. She looks like Mt. Everest (not to be too shallow), but that's just the beginning. She is really weird, and that's an understatement. She just says things that everyone else disagrees with. She tells these stories in class that have nothing to do with the topic and she is just extremely weird (not goth or anything like that - she just acts weird).


The worst thing is she's "always there." She's in one of my classes and she always says hi (every freakin' time!). She always tries to bring up these really weird conversations (like I should ask my friend why he hates her, etc.) and I just want to jump out the window. It sounds like she likes me; she might, but my friend that said he hates her received the same torture.


How do I get her to stop talking to me without being too mean? The reason she probably still does it is because I don't want to tell her the truth that she's almost psychotic and acts like a weirdo (it's true). She scares me because she is always there and always tries talking to me about dumb topics. I go down different hallways sometimes just to avoid her.


It just gets so over the top that I can't handle it anymore. I'm pretty laid-back, but this is pushing me to the brink. I just want her to stop trying to talk to me and thinking she "likes" me. It's scary. I just want her off my back, but I don't want to hurt her feelings too much. It could possibly jsut be her trying to be friendly, but it's so annoying.


I know I sound like an a**h*** here. But this has gone on for two years and I've done nothing to try and get her to go away from me (just replied with hey back with at least a tiny bit of feeling so I don't sound like a robot). If we're walking down a wide hallway, she crosses the hall and says hi really fast. I usually run for the hills. At my little sister's graduation last year, her brother was in the same grade and she was staring at me for what seemed like an eternity.


Any help is appreciated.

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"The difference between the hero and the coward is that the hero is willing to go for it.'


decide what you want and go for it.


If you were to be her friend, and it sounds like she could use a good one, you may help change her life. Just make it clear you are not interested in her romantically if you are not. Why not try just talking to her. You may be surprised.


If not then be as polite as you need and otherwise ignore her. If she gets to the point of harassing you then ask her to stop,

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While I don't think DN's advice would be the easiest thing for you to do, I certainly think it would be the kindest. It certainly sounds like she could use a friend. Who knows, maybe you could help her become someone not so weird, and you might find some really likable things about her.


The kindness you pay someone now, could reward you with a true loyal friend one day.

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I think you two will become friends down the road, whether you accept my opinion or not. I also think that you're fascinated with her somewhat to some degree.


People generally don't respond to you unless they are getting some reaction out of it - whether it be positive or negative. If you want to phase her out of your (social) life, give short responses in your conversations with her. Act disinterested in any conversation, and be short with her. Tell her that you have to go, you have "stuff to do." Make sure that your body language is not contradicting your responses. She may think that you are flirting back with her, which encourages her current behavior. I'm not sure what vibes she's getting from you, but I would bet you're doing something to encourage her behavior. Evaluate your own behavior, and then adjust your behavior to reflect someone who does not care about her - indifference is the word here. Not love, not hate, but indifferent.

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I think she likes you, some insecure girls I come accross are nervous because 1. They're afraid to approach you. 2. Fear of Failure. Believe me, ALOT of women are more afraid of failure than us guys. And it has a major impact on the girls self-esteem than it does us guys. You could possibly come out (if you get the guts) one day and tell her "Ok, I know you like me, but you need to calm down your acting way too weird...really". You might even clean up her act if you say "If you want me to like you then you'll have to stop this s*** right now.". She might not be that bad of a person outside of her insecurity when it comes to her having a crush on a guy. Seems like she hasn't had much expierience in dating because of her behavior. Just tell it how it is. I know it sounds bad but lying isn't going to fix it, girls can sense that stuff man.

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Maybe not to this degree, but who doesn't have one person who they just want to stear clear of at all costs.


I think you need to learn to cope with this better/differently. Learn to laugh this off. Forget trying to get rid of her. It'll be impossible, or you'll feel like a jerk.


Just start laughing it off, and blowing it off. Forget about it, it's jus words, and hey, what the heck, bug her back. I mean, laugh when she makes stupid comments, argue when she says things that are wrong, or inapropriate. Fight fire with fire, but don't spend too much time on it. At the end of the day, you should do what me and one my friends now do


We take our dogs for walks and laugh about the stupid crap at school with people and teachers and all. It blows off steam, and it's fun and funny


Give those tips a try, maybe you'll enjoy all the stupid stuff she says if you can laugh at how moronic it all is!

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I have experienced somethign to the same degree. there are always these few people that are simply annoying. most people come right out and tell em to get lost. but people like u n me, we laff and smile and pretend that we dont mind them. now this gives them the idea that u are their friend. they start to become more and more clingy. its raelly not easy to get away from these people because, essentially they have dont nothing wrong, merely tried to be friends albeit in a very forceful way, but nonetheless it happened. just try and be nice to her, but not too nice. yu dont have to laff at every joke shes sez, or agree with every whacko notion that comes out of her mouth. try it.

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