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What actually IS a soulmate?


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Here's the definition from kyoshiro.phooey:


soul mate



One of two persons compatible with each other in disposition, point of view, or sensitivity, but you will never be one of those two persons.


n: someone for whom you have a deep affinity but is already taken by someone with a deep wallet.


n: something made up, like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy or the Great Pumpkin.


:see also Fantasy Land, Make Believe Land, Great Big Lie and False Hope


In all seriousness, those who have had their hearts broken or have yet to find true love will ridicule the idea of a soulmate as I just did. Not everyone finds them in their life because of whatever circumstances, and I doubt our soulmates are pre-determined. I think everyone has tons of "potential" soulmates, the only problem is finding him/her in this great big world of ours. The path you take, the choices you make determine it I guess. But my definition is if you fall in love, marry and spend the rest of your life with him/her, then you've found your soulmate plain and simple. I really hope I find mine soon before I go berserk!

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Wow some very cynical posters responded to this thread I see.


I fully believe in soulmates. But I also know that soulmates come in as more than lovers such as: friends, teachers, parents, etc. In that sense they are members of your soul group and have come into your life for very specific reasons.


You will know you've met your romantic soulmate when the person touches your soul deeply yet unexpectedly. You communicate telepathically, or lots of non-verbal communication. You'll be able to sense their feelings and know it's not about you, you just understand it's a bad day and if they're short or distance you won't become defensive. Instead you're naturally forgiving. You'll think "This is what I've been missing?" when you finally recognize them. From what I've read it can take months before you recognize this person as a soulmate. Simply because you're not ready to recognize them.


Hope that helps. Do a search on-line there is a ton of information out there and it's great reading.

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I really like the way Jetta has put it, and I agree with her for the most part. I just want to add that most people believe that there is just one soulmate out here for every person. I beg to differ, in the sense that there are more than one soulmate out there for everyone. they are people you honestly and truly love. Jetta, you have hit it head on when u say that most ppl arent ready to recognize this person as their soulmate. It takes time to realize what we have, and those who let these things go before they realise it are truly the unlucky.

another point i have to make is that a soulmate is not always a romantic partner. sometimes we can have really good friends who are our soulmates, just in different ways. so basically yeah a soulmate is someone who affects your life in a really big way positively, someone who is always there for you, someone you would take a bullet for, but someone who would take a bullet for you. that, my fellow enotaloners, is a soulmate.

(of course theres more to add right..................?)

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I don't believe in soulmates either. I think a person can click on many levels with several different people. The thing is that when a person meets someone with whom they feel a strong bond with, that person is obviously not going to be questioning things by saying "Hey, this person seems to suit me well, but I'm going to see if someone out there suits me better." We become so content with that person that we put him/her on a pedestal - a "too good to be true" type of thing. Usually, that person seems like "the other half" until a few months or years down the road when the honeymoon phase passes and your typical relationship problems creep in.

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