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Continuation of Martian's thread abou cold hearted people

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Since the original thread was locked, I had to make a new one. Honestly, I only 30 yo, but I have seen/heard/read enough to probably figure out some of the reasons why people become cold hearted.


First off let us assume that everyone starts off as tabula rasa, neither good nor evil.


The main reasons I think people become cold-hearted over time are these:


  1. The piss poor economic situation worldwide is making it harder for younger people to start a career; when you can;t get ahead after busting your ass and putting in an honest day's work, then that is bound to make you more cold-hearted towards whatever problems other people may have
  2. Older people who control the hiring in various industries seem to be intimidated by younger people who have more education than them and thus resentment builds
  3. The god-awful state of healthcare in the USA: people in pain may have less empathy for those with $$$ to afford care
  4. Welfare and SSDI abuse by capable people: this should be enough to even make the bleeding heart liberals wake up; when people who don't deserve aid get it whereas you don;t because even though you are down on your luck, but you still can't qualify
  5. Many more, but these are what seems to be driving it
  6. There is no will to fix human tragedies such as famine, hunger, disease etc. NONE of the solutions to these problems require any new technology; the solutions only require powerful people to be less greedy....


I am certainly becoming more conservative over time.... In High School I was on the Howard Dean bandwagon. In college and for many years thereafter I was more liberal than conservative. Slowly but surely as one of my wise coworkers said, you will change after enough years of seeing how the world really operates...

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None of the above.


It's pretty simple, most people are crappy......it's HUMAN NATURE. Accept it, assume it and let THEM prove you wrong (is my approach/what I've learned over the years).


You don't believe me? Take a REALLY CLOSE look at people around you (go to the mall....coffee shop...into general public and just pay attention). hehe

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I'm pretty ancient (almost 60) but I have found that most people are pretty darn nice. There are "bad" people, there always has been and there always will be. But I seem to always run into people who are kind, helpful, and friendly. I'm a friendly person, so maybe being nice, not jaded, attracts nice people? Try it and see.

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