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Attracted to him for over six years and have no idea why...


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I met this guy back in high school which was over six years ago and we dated for a couple months. We slept together a few times but he ended up breaking it off. I didn't really think much of it, I was young and figured, it happens.

I moved on and to other relationships - but I guess I never REALLY moved on. I was in a relationship for a year, and then another recently for five years. The whole time I was in both relationships I really just wanted my old high school boyfriend again.

I would dream about him all the time and wake up feeling guilty to my current partners but I didn't think of him often really at all unless I was drinking or dreamt of him.

Anyways, my ex of five years and I broke up a month ago, and it was really hard on me. I drank pretty heavily Sunday night and decided it was a good idea to add the high school ex on Facebook. One thing led to another and he ended up coming over and we slept together and had an amazing night. He left Sunday morning and I've been so mad at myself for doing that because I knew deep down I had feelings for him.

The weirdest part is that I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I EVEN LIKE HIM!

He's attractive, but nothing really all the special and he's actually kind of an a**hole. Why would I feel this way for so long about this guy? It's driving me crazy!

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I suggest you take a break from dating for a while. If you're comparing every man you enter a relationship with to this guy , or wishing they were him, it is unfair both to you and your partner. My advice would be to concentrate on the fact you are in love with the idea of him, not him. There is a reason why he's are an ex. Close that chapter of your life so you can move on.

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