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Is Teen love real/possible

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Only you can judge. If it feels like love, it probably is. However, statistically speaking, usually the relationships developed in that age frame don't last. It is possible to fall out of love with someone.


I think the reason relationships fail during this period is because you are not yet settled into who you are going to be. You're still maturing, gaining life experience and figuring out your likes and dislikes. That doesn't mean that you don't love that person, you're just moving in different directions.


Those are just my thoughts.

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What makes teen love any differnt from 'adult love'. With so little love in the world shouldn't we encourage and embrace in it, letting love have no boundaries of age or race.


Keep in mind though that what you want from a relationship as a teen may not be the same as what you want in a relationship as an adult.


Like the previous poster said, we change and mature, thus do our needs.

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What makes teen love any differnt from 'adult love'. With so little love in the world shouldn't we encourage and embrace in it, letting love have no boundaries of age or race.


Keep in mind though that what you want from a relationship as a teen may not be the same as what you want in a relationship as an adult.


Like the previous poster said, we change and mature, thus do our needs.


True! But whilst we are a teen, can't we still love and be loved, even if we feel the need to move on in latter years..?

I guess everyone has a differnt take on what love really is.

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Every single person that posts here is going to have a definition of what love is.


I don't think we should try to generalize, define or set standards for what love is.


As long as your definition of love does not include being abused or neglected in ANY way, I think you should just name your emotions yourself.

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absoloutely..it does not matter the age, more so maturity level. I fell in love when i was 15 - I am 18 now. Younger ppl often for the 'lust' factor, or the 'i love them and they don't even know me' stuff..i don't think that's really love. The thing with teenagers and love is they want to grow up so fast - not always the best thing.

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i agree with the things u guys have said in the post, statistics may be against teen love, but that doesnt mean it doesnt exist right? At the adolescent stage in life our hormones tend to bring out the feeling of lust a lot, but love still does exist. some people believe lust is love or infatuation is love, but there are those who actually feel love.

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I certainly believe it can happen. I even think I've seen it before. One of my friends has a boyfriend and I truly think they are in love. One is eighteen and the other is nineteen. They've been together for three years now, and from the hints her boyfriend has dropped to me, he is planning on proposing to her later this year. It may not be common, but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


Heck, look at one of the greatest love stories of all time, Romeo and Juliet. Juliet was thirteen. Romeo was like fifteen I think...I know they were both teenagers.


It does happen.

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If we are talking about true love where the people will stay together til death do us part, it's possible but extremely rare. Too much growing up andd uncertainty as to what love is really all about. People may fall in love with the idea of being in love and convince themselves it is the real thing. Don't rush anything. Give it time and just enjoy being together. Time will tell if it's going to last.


And Romeo and Juliet is not a good example of love lasting. Their families hated each other, they also saw each other like twice, and they both ended up dead. That's a good example of lust leading to two kids downfall, not something romantic.

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Great comments and opinions guys, im the original starter of this topic and just in case you ask why i posted this is because me and my girlfriend are in our teen years and i ask myself if this feeling i feel for here that i believe is love really is possible because of our age. I personally think it is possible to love in teen years or for any age at that matter. I do have one more question....WHY DO ADULTS BELIEVE (OUR PARENTS) THAT TEEN LOVE IS FAKE AND NON EXISTANT?

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I dont think there is one true answer for that, but the most likely explanation would be that parents see their kids as inexperienced and immature, and dont believe that they have the sense to make a correct decision when it comes to matters of the heart. They would also throw the statistics at you, about how many teenage couples break up. well hey we jus oughta throw bak the fact that half of all adult marriages end in divorce. right?


But basically, they feel that their teenage kids are not mature enough to know what the feeling of love is. sometimes that may be true, but its too broad to be a generalization.

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1. Because parents want to look out for there kids and they realize that if teenagers put their heart into something that might not work out then they'll end up hurt. They want to warn kids of the possible dangers and consequences.


2. Because parents may have a hard time accepting that their child is growing up and experiencing those kind of adult emotions.


3. Because most teenage romances don't end up lasting. They can, but it's rare.

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1. Because parents want to look out for there kids and they realize that if teenagers put their heart into something that might not work out then they'll end up hurt. They want to warn kids of the possible dangers and consequences.


2. Because parents may have a hard time accepting that their child is growing up and experiencing those kind of adult emotions.


3. Because most teenage romances don't end up lasting. They can, but it's rare.


And I will add to that that most parents have been there as teenagers too, and remember their experiences. I know myself that as a teenager there were a couple times I thought I was in love, most definitely, but in retrospect and with far more life and relationship experience, I know that is not true.


There is one relationship I can say was love in my teen years, but that was towards the end of my teen years (16-18), and it was more of a true friends love then a romantic love/partnership love I think as I look back.


You can definitely love when you are young, no doubt, but I think it is much harder to find true love when you are. True love I think happens when we have learned to love ourselves, when we realize love is about more than romance and idealism, it is about loving even when it is tough. When we know our love will last through all the trials & tribulations of life, when the partnership lasts through different stages of life. When we can truly comprehend what "a lifetime" means and definitely see our partner there. I guess mostly, I just think that to get to that point it takes emotional maturity and experience.

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Love is ultimately a choice you make and not something you feel or are privy to as a result of wisdom or knowledge. So, as long as you are capable of making choices, you are capable of love. That said, I believe that love is a permanent choice, not something that you "fall in" or "fall out of", so I would say that anyone who says they are in love and then say that they stopped loving that person, were never really in love at all because love is a choice to ALWAYS care for a person. People are often confused when it comes to love and don't understand that the test of love is time. The truth of your love is defined by the end, not the beginning.

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well bad_disease, the question is, when do we know we are capable of making level headed decisions. many times we can, as teenagers consider ourselves adults and make bad choices. we know we are making decisions, but its not until much after the choices have been made do we find out whether we made the right ones or the wrong ones. so 'when we are capable of making choices' is a really subjective term, it differs by individual...

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