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Why being nerdy is such a turn OFF?


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And I have to admit I wouldn't be attracted to even the hottest guy in the school if he wore grandpa clothes like the guy in that pic. Lets just say that seeing nice clothes makes you want to take them off.


I'd have to agree! Wearing clothes that suit your body and really flatter you, do take you a long way in the looks department

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Wearing clothes that suit your body and really flatter you, do take you a long way in the looks department


Oh... we are talking about being stylish, wear clothes that other would consider stylish. It is just about being a part of a group... we all want to be like other and dress like others.... it is not about what suits you and what not.


It is about what you can see in some fashion magaznies. Tomorrow they

change something in those magazines, and girls would immediately change their mind.

FOr a guy it is hard to follow these trend, hard cuz hes gotta follow

some peculiar fads from weird fashion magazine...or look up to movie stars (who again look into magazines). It is like sombody is telling you what to wear and what not to without any reason. And change it without a reason every year. Isn't it strange?

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The first time I dreamt that I was configuring a router, my instructor told me " you are officially a nerd" lol. As luck would have it, I am also attracted to nerds(computer geeks)....but I don't think I look like a nerd. Do I?


The dog picture: I don't think the guy looks that bad, but then again I'm 36 so to a 20 yr old he probably looks outdated .

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Wearing clothes that suit your body and really flatter you, do take you a long way in the looks department


Oh... we are talking about being stylish, wear clothes that other would consider stylish. It is just about being a part of a group... we all want to be like other and dress like others.... it is not about what suits you and what not.


It is about what you can see in some fashion magaznies. Tomorrow they

change something in those magazines, and girls would immediately change their mind.

FOr a guy it is hard to follow these trend, hard cuz hes gotta follow

some peculiar fads from weird fashion magazine...or look up to movie stars (who again look into magazines). It is like sombody is telling you what to wear and what not to without any reason. And change it without a reason every year. Isn't it strange?


Dude, you don't need to follow trends to be stylish. You can be stylish by wearing age appropriate clothes (as mentioned earlier) or as I just stated, by wearing clothes that flatter your body shape. It is hard for any person to follow the 'trands'.


Please stop making this issue so one sided. With all do respect you need to broaden your horizens (so to speak) and see that both genders look for good physical appearances to an extent.


By the way, how old are you

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Clothes don't make the man, the man makes the clothes. Clothes are irrelevent, we wear them to stay warm and so we aren't naked. It's who the person is on the inside that matters, not who they are on the outside. If the person is nice and you get along with him or her, then appearance shouldn't be a factor.


Geeks, nerds, and dweebs are the future leaders of this planet. Look at Bill Gates. So, anyone who would ignore or disrespect nerds could be missing out in the long run.

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Oh... we are talking about being stylish, wear clothes that other would consider stylish. It is just about being a part of a group... we all want to be like other and dress like others.... it is not about what suits you and what not.


I disagree. I apparently look stylish and really, all I do is co-ordinate my outfits and jewelery. (no purple top with purple pants and purple earrings and then some random green belly bar XDDDDDD)

Everyone has their own particular style.. Around here people stress if you want to be like them and dress the same as them, so it isnt about being 'part of a group'. And besides, what I wear would look gay on my friends and what my friends wear would look gay on me; we all basically wear things that are nice and suit us, and also go with whatever else we're wearing. So anyway, here it IS about what suits you, not what the latest fashion is.


Edit: How did we get into such a debate about clothes, anyway? XD

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It seems like girls want a guy that makes others take notice. A really good-looking girl needs a really popular guy that is tall and handsome and has a nice car. Nerdy guys have to date nicer girls, not the hottest sexiest girl in the class. Those girls aren't interested in nerds.


Nerdy guys date nicer girls....

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It seems like girls want a guy that makes others take notice. A really good-looking girl needs a really popular guy that is tall and handsome and has a nice car. Nerdy guys have to date nicer girls, not the hottest sexiest girl in the class. Those girls aren't interested in nerds.


Nerdy guys date nicer girls....


Another thing I hate about some of the guys here: they always complain about how its all girls faults, how they only like jerks and keep falling for the wrong type of guy and why dont the hot chicks like them and all that. They never stop to think that maybe, just maybe, they're the ones falling for the wrong type of girl.

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It seems like girls want a guy that makes others take notice. A really good-looking girl needs a really popular guy that is tall and handsome and has a nice car. Nerdy guys have to date nicer girls, not the hottest sexiest girl in the class. Those girls aren't interested in nerds.


Nerdy guys date nicer girls....


Actually, the nicer girl could very well be the hottest sexiest girl in the class. Beauty, attraction, sexiness is all in the eye of the beholder.

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About clothes: it's not the clothing, rather the comportment.


A man with presense and charisma commands the same respect whether he is in French cuffs, links, and satin stripe pants or a torn shirt and high-water pants.


Ever wonder why most mannequins don't have heads?

It's the bearing that makes the display appealing (in tandem with what is being advertised), not the person.


Someone who garners such respect, even if he is not apparently attractive, has the power to influence people like no other.

People are drawn to him.



This is why people tell each other to be dominant, have confidence and self-esteem; but really it's a skill that needs to be practiced.

And dominant does not mean domineering.



As for the original issue: people relegate others to nerd status by its presentation; we have empirical evidence what with the photo and the following responses.



Command respect. You deserve it.

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Clothes are so important. I mean, look at television. When they want to portray a "geek" they do it with stereotypical short slacks pulled to the armpits, socks up to the knees, suspenders, a "stuffy" shirt and glasses (usually complete with the thickest lenses and most gargantuant frame possible, and a chain or cord of some sort)... Add to this a whole bottle of hair gel and a couple of pens in the chest pocket, and you have a television geek.


If you want suave and sophisticated, he's in a suit and tie. He has messed up but oh-so-sexy "bed head" or short spiked hair and often dark shades. A slob wears a stained wifebeater tee-shirt and track pants that accommodate his beer gut. If he has hair, it's tousled and dirty. Punks wear punk clothes, rappers wear rap clothes, and Goths make a statement by the clothes they wear as well.


You can picture them in your head, right? So why shouldn't what you wear create an impression of you in peoples' minds?! In that particular picture you posted, I see someone who must be quite mature because young people don't dress like that. Maybe it's "geekish" and if the person wearing the clothes doesnt feel their personality suits the outfit, they can wear any number of things that arent so "geekish" without going the extremes I mentioned above.


For example, I already mentioned my BF (the one I love to bits) is a sweet, sensitive, loveable nerd. We just got back from a date to the movies and dinner. He wore jeans (they happened to be Tommy because that's all he can find that fit him, he's kinda on the compact side, my little sweetie) and a plain black tee-shirt. He had a puffy red winter jacket too, and his hair was as usual, a bit of gel and spiked up. He didn't stick out as being fashionable. He wasn't making a statement by his clothes (i.e. that he was a rapper, a goth, or a punk) but they were just THERE... literally threads on him so he wasn't naked. I felt comfortable with him, and he felt comfortable as he was dressed. You can dress comfortably, without being a fashion/trend slave, while also not being a stereotypical nerd.


Basically use your judgement, if Steve Urkle would wear it, it's probably pretty nerdy.


So then, what's a nerd? I dunno... I think smarts are necessary for me to be attracted to the guy. It's also cool to have a passion. I guess I'm a nerd if a passion for a hobby makes a person a nerd, because I live and breathe my horse and competitive riding. My BF lives and breathes go-kart racing. I suppose if being a nerd is the opposite of being a bad boy or player then I'd take the nerd every time. That isn't to say I'd date Steve Urkle... There are extremes.


Oh and if we're talking about Bill Gates??? I don't think his wife is too concerned he's good with computers. I also don't think her friends give her a hard time for being married to Bill. Regardless, the nerd thing goes away after high school. That's the hardest time for people. Once you get out of high school where you have cliques (nerds, jocks, cheerleaders, pot heads, punks, etc.) it doesn't really exist so much.


Hmmm... Let's see, I had straight A's through school, and was passionate about my riding. I did extracurricular competitons and was on the honour roll... I also am very pretty, I take pride in my appearance and my clothes, and while I could have any guy I know, I am faithful and loyal to my adoring BF. I have a good career that requires me to be intelligent, dedicated, and hard working. What does that make me????? A PERSON. See this is where the lines of nerd/not nerd get blurred.

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Have you ever heard that fat women make the best lovers out there? Well I have heard the same about nerdy guys. My husband will flat out admit that he is a nerd.


I think it's more a thing with teenage girls. As adults, most women don't really care. What is being a nerd anyway, it's just a High school stereotype. These stereotypes don't hold much vallidity once you are out of high school.

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I don't think clothes can define someone as a nerd. And in the grand scheme of things, Im dating the man, not his shirt, or his pants. Yes, it's nice when they dress well, but that doesn't affect my decision either way. Hot is hot, period.


I wear what I like, and I expect the man Im dating to do the same, whatever that may be.


I don't think women as a whole are turned off to "nerds". Different women look for different things.

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Dude, you don't need to follow trends to be stylish. You can be stylish by wearing age appropriate clothes (as mentioned earlier) or as I just stated, by wearing clothes that flatter your body shape. It is hard for any person to follow the 'trands'.


Please stop making this issue so one sided. With all do respect you need to broaden your horizens (so to speak) and see that both genders look for good physical appearances to an extent.


By the way, how old are you


I see. I agree that people look for somebody good loooking.

But would you pay so much attention to fake things like clothes?

It flatters body shape? Maybe but it doesnt make your body shapes better! Not at all! So it is a fake thing first of all. I dont mind that though, but I would not pay mucn attetion to somthing which is just "flatters".

Better state: I like muscular guys.It would be honest. But to say "I like good clothes on a guy.. hmm... doesnt make that much sense to me,cuz you are not interested in a guy then, but in a way he dresses...


Old..I am curious - would it make a diffirence if I am 15 or 30 or 45 for you?

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The first time I dreamt that I was configuring a router, my instructor told me " you are officially a nerd" lol. As luck would have it, I am also attracted to nerds(computer geeks)....but I don't think I look like a nerd. Do I?


The dog picture: I don't think the guy looks that bad, but then again I'm 36 so to a 20 yr old he probably looks outdated .


Oh girls... could you please explain it to me, dumb guy, WHY this clothes style is outdated? White khaki and regular black belt in summer is outdated? Really? Striped shirt.. it doesnt look bad or dirty or old.

on fact it looked new. Just striped. Does it mean all light colored white striped shirts in summer are just for super old guys?


Hey, I am getting what nerd is. It is opposite to definition many people would give. A nerd is somebody who doesnt care much about being stylish. So being about to configure a router is .. OK

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Clothes don't make the man, the man makes the clothes. Clothes are irrelevent, we wear them to stay warm and so we aren't naked. It's who the person is on the inside that matters, not who they are on the outside. If the person is nice and you get along with him or her, then appearance shouldn't be a factor.


Geeks, nerds, and dweebs are the future leaders of this planet. Look at Bill Gates. So, anyone who would ignore or disrespect nerds could be missing out in the long run.


I agree with you. Thats why I posted a pic here in the thread.

Could you please give me your opinion about the level of nerdiness in it?


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Oh... we are talking about being stylish, wear clothes that other would consider stylish. It is just about being a part of a group... we all want to be like other and dress like others.... it is not about what suits you and what not.


I disagree. I apparently look stylish and really, all I do is co-ordinate my outfits and jewelery. (no purple top with purple pants and purple earrings and then some random green belly bar XDDDDDD)

So anyway, here it IS about what suits you, not what the latest fashion is.



Around here people stress if you want to be like them and dress the same as them, so it isnt about being 'part of a group'.


Hmm so you agree with me: clothes is about that desire to be like others?


What suits you is very relatiove thing. A hundred years ago you would say some totally different clothes would suit you perfectly. Today you think it is outdated.. why? Beacuse you pay attention what people wear,

and update that every day. why do you do that? Simple, becaus eyou want to be like all other girls. So It is about about being a part of a group.


What suits me is what I am comfortable wearing. And it might not be very stylish at all. Cuz I dont give a s* about being like "all other men" (by the way why do you want it? I sounds that sweet for you ".. like others..."?), but I dont want to wear super weaird clothes eaither.

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It seems like girls want a guy that makes others take notice. A really good-looking girl needs a really popular guy that is tall and handsome and has a nice car. Nerdy guys have to date nicer girls, not the hottest sexiest girl in the class. Those girls aren't interested in nerds.


Nerdy guys date nicer girls....


I guess this is right. I would even think about dating a good-looking girl.

Yes, she is attaractive on a magazine cover and guys turn theri head when she passes by. But what good I would have dating her?

A hich maintanence girl with me like her maintanence guy? Thank you

Thats only for guys who want to brag about their girlfriends. I dont care about these "activity".

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It seems like girls want a guy that makes others take notice. A really good-looking girl needs a really popular guy that is tall and handsome and has a nice car. Nerdy guys have to date nicer girls, not the hottest sexiest girl in the class. Those girls aren't interested in nerds.


Nerdy guys date nicer girls....


Actually, the nicer girl could very well be the hottest sexiest girl in the class. Beauty, attraction, sexiness is all in the eye of the beholder.


How right! I recently met a girl, just talked to her. She is not pretty at all.

Average. She doesnt care about her clothes much - kind of hippie-student style. Not bad but not anything anyone would notice.

But she was incredible attractive cuz the way she speaks, her curiosity, her emotions...

Oh well, she is married.......

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We all want to date up, or date someone that is wrong for us or too good in some ways, but that isn't going to make someone happy -- finding the right person is tough. Once you have that person, hanging on is tough too. Life isn't easy and there are no simple answers...




You seem the most honest person here! I am impressed.

I agree with your post 100%.

By the way, why women want to date or marry up?

Look as you said we all know it is not easy, and wont be easy after you find him. So why to follow that..strage "inner" urge to date up?

I mean - what is the point if it doesn make you happy? Then why?

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Ever wonder why most mannequins don't have heads?

It's the bearing that makes the display appealing (in tandem with what is being advertised), not the person.


Hmm... I didnt quite get what you said.

I believe some mannequins do not have heads fro the obvious reason:

they do not want to distract people who would first look at mannequins heads and not their clothes. It is the same reason There was no head in my picture: I wanted to draw attention to clothes and the dog.

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I don't think clothes can define someone as a nerd. And in the grand scheme of things, Im dating the man, not his shirt, or his pants. Yes, it's nice when they dress well, but that doesn't affect my decision either way. Hot is hot, period.


I wear what I like, and I expect the man Im dating to do the same, whatever that may be.


I don't think women as a whole are turned off to "nerds". Different women look for different things.


Cool! Could you tell me you opinion about the pic posted in this forum - how nerdy it is?

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