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True about jobs. In the UK most recent graduates are working minimum wage.


I can share my experience of marrying too young:


No, I wasn't "too young" in chronological age but in terms of general maturity I was about 6 years behind and my relationship experience was on a par with most high school students. I remember noticing something about my (then) new g/f when we went on a date on our own for the first time (we met through friends). Her room decorations suggested she was less than mature herself, although she was only months younger than me. In later years, I would have seen this as a red flag and bolted for the door but I was young, naïve and considered myself lucky to have any girlfriend at all, let alone a well endowed one (which was her main attraction). I was more keen on her and pressure her into getting engaged, moving in and married far too early. Although my "love" for her was as real as I understood in those days, I was in love with my idealised version of her and not the person underneath. I felt that if I married her, I would have a secure relationship for life. I was wrong on all counts. She seemed to get close to one of my friends but he was a long-standing friend and she was my wife, so I had no reason to doubt them, did I? You can guess the rest!


As this friend was also a member of our social circle, it was me that was the one who was edged out. Not only did I lose my wife but 90% of my support network.


Having been married before was only an issue with one girl who was strict C of E and set ion a church wedding. Otherwise it made no odds. I'm remarried now and have been for over 20 years. It hasn't all been plain sailing but I trust my wife 100%, we have a great daughter and, of course, a dog.


I went through Hell when my first marriage broke up and have suffered a lot of money problems but did not have the same sort of problems the people in the USA did.

If you are lucky enough to get a job.


I guess that was really painful.

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If you are lucky enough to get a job.


I guess that was really painful.


Fortunately, when I was a new grad there weren't many of us and there were more vacancies than qualified people.


Losing my support network was a nightmare. Whenever I spoke to divorced people, their support network rallied round and made sure they weren't alone and single friends would invite them on holiday, etc. It was also portrayed like that on the telly. Most things I expected when my marriage broke up. Losing my social circle was not expected at all.


Also, the divorce was simple and uncontested. It was the break-up and aftermath that caused me the most pain.

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