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Missing him, but I was miserable for months?

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I know I would be miserable for the rest of my life. My ex turned out to be an arrogant/egotistical person, he stopped taking my feelings into consideration when I would feel hurt and told me I was over analyzing things. At 1st he was worried when I told him that I felt like he didn't care, he made no attempts to improve his behavior, then when I brought up how I was feeling again he accused me of wanting to destroy the relationship. Since the break up it's been almost a month. I miss him everyday (tho a little less as time goes by). I will not be getting back together w/him. One time when he was sick I came over and brought him some soup because I knew he had no food at home. He was more interested in a game to even pay attention to me, then when I got hurt he told me he never asked me to make soup (I know we aren't supposed to to expect anything for nice gestures, but I would have been thrilled if my bf had done that and shown so much care). My family treated him like one of their own and he never even said a simple thank you to them. We didn't go out much at all (which I don't mind), but whenever he would invite me along w/him even if I found that place/event boring I always went because I wanted to be w/him. We were supposed go out clubbing (not his scene, but he never had suggestion), the one rare time I wanted to go out, he ended up falling asleep and we didn't go. He always told me how he didn't "feel" like going anywhere (because he had stuff he needed to take care of), yet he started going to the bar once a week w/out me. I have wonderful supportive family and friends, but I miss him so much. Towards the end of the relationship I would leave him and I would feel more nights/days of disappointment/hurt then feeling loved/cared for.

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Seems like he couldn't 'give' you what it was you wanted/needed. Emotionally, etc.


Sometimes we're involved with people that we 're just not compatible with. It's sad when it comes to an end.. but in time, you'll come to see and understand why it didn't work out.


Keep going, one day at a time. Soon it won't be so bad.

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Take it one day at a time. It is normal to miss the person you were with even if the relationship was horrible, breakups are hard. you're going through a difficult time right now, give yourself time to grieve the good and bad, get past it and move on. You know if you were back with him nothing would change.

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