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First trip with bf...Advice and tips?


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My boyfriend and I will be going on our first official trip together around Christmas this year, and I'm very excited. So the plan is to fly to Singapore, then from Singapore to Hong Kong and then to several other regions in China. We've been together since Aug of last year so think this would be a good time to test things as he's brought up moving in together several times this year.


For those of you that have travelled with a significant other, what are some things you recommend we have to do (to ensure the trip runs smoothly with less issues). Ideally about how to handle expenses, having space, dealing with any potential conflict etc. We're going to be together for 24 days.


Thanks a lot!


Also, though most of his family are from the UK, his grandma lives in Singapore and I will be staying at her place. This is my first time meeting her and I'm nervous because she's supposed to be really blunt and has high standards. She highly disliked his ex, so I'm alittle worried that she might not warm up to me either. What would you suggest I bring for her as a gift, and should I be more forward or let her feel me out first?

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Pick your battles.

Don't sweat the small stuff

Don't hog the bathroom

Decide how expenses will be shared before you go

Ask him what to bring his grand and do it.

Count to 25 before responding with sarcasm or negativity

End every mi I visit with a "what was the best...what was the worst"

Little things mean a lot...offer to go out and get coffee.

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I echo all of mhowe's advice. Also, what's helped me in the past is making the decision to laugh instead of getting upset. You're going to be a lot of ridiculous situations with that much travel, and it's way more enjoyable if you both find the humor in them. You're likely going to look back on them and laugh, so why not laugh in the moment too?

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My bf lost his passport on the way to the airport as we were starting our trip home after a 3 week vacation.. I simply got more money from the atm, and we headed off to the embassy. Before we got through the process, our cab driver..who we had chatted up...brought it to the airline desk and they called the embassy. We made our flight and celebrated over beers at the connecting airport...and missed our connection. So we had to change flights and get a room....on us or rather u$$$$$$$$. I laughed. It's only money.

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