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8 months nc, want my first love back


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Basically I'm just looking some advice as I finally face that I want my ex back. Early 2012 I met this girl,and dated until August 2012 When I eventually asked her out, things were great. We did everything together, went on holiday together last year, day trips and such. Fast forward to new years this year. she went out with friends instead of me, so I was suppose to stay over following that and she told me to take my time as she was out with friends. I refused to be made a fool of and the next day she wanted us to go on a break. Yet she was hugging, crying, kissing. and asked me to stay over for tea. I was traumatised and closed up emotionally, never wanting to be hurt like that again.


So I refused to contact her, blocked her on all forms. Yet she still rang me for months on other numbers and I would occasionally reply to her telling her I couldn't see her as I knew I'd come running back. However, I always thought about her and still do.


Three weeks ago, I unblocked her on everything and discovered she's in a rebound relationship since late May. Texts I never got saying how she missed me etc came throgh from months prior. I decided to reach out to her, apologising and such. Everything was great, chatting and asking about each other. (She dropped out of school because of breakup) we began snapchatting for hours, talking about how we still have stuff from being together. I never deleted or threw out a single item.


She told me I was causing problems and tension in her relationship which she was struggling with, but couldn't see me yet as much as she would love to. she told me she would like to see me last Saturday at a club.so I done everything I could to be there, got chatting there and it was great. Until we went dancing, I ended up in a fight. I left a voicemail apologising, she tried to ring me at 4am, I tried to ring back and she refused to talk to me. On Tuesday she told me to stop contacting her as she has a boyfriend and her relationship is good. I wished her well but on Wednesday a card I sent apologising and bringing up memories arrived. So I sent one last message saying how it wasn't fair etc and now she has blocked me. Idk if she's being influenced by her friends, mum, partner or whatever. But I hope she eventually realises what we had together can't be compared to, we are each others firsts, and first loves. I'll always care about her.

Sorry this is long. just looking good advice, moving forward

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I don't think it matters why she has blocked you.

I think she is trying to make a point that she prefers not to have to deal with you any further.


Sorry, but what's done is done and she has chosen to move on.. I know, it stings!


Yes, she may have been your first love... but not your last.

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