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So Scared


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I really want to ask out this girl to be my girlfriend but ive never asked out a girl before and I found the one thats right for me but I am so scared to do it and keep putting it off and I want to ask her before she gets taken but so scared to. I dont know why I am so scared but any advice in over coming the fear?

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sarah I dont understand what you mean. But I will tell you. Last sem in school she was in my math class. We became to click with each other since day 1. I am very good at snowboarding so she would always ask me about that and one day she told me she wants to me teach her etc... and we get along with each other very very good and shes always looking into my eyes etc...... Then christmas break came 2 weeks out of school so then when we came back to school jan something. We got all new classes. I was expost to be in her classes but my scedule got messed up so I only see her before and after school and in the halls. So me and her are always talking and we are both interested in each others stuff. And to me shes my dream girl and I dont want to lose her so I want to ask her out. But I've never asked a girl out and I dont know what step to take in asking her out. OH BTW I asked her to the movies awhile back november and she said she has family stuff to do because her parents just got over a devorce so I know family comes first.

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If I were you I would start spending more time with this girl and see if she wants to be with you just like you want to be with her. Then you can go from there. I can see that you want her to be your gf but unless you do something about it the situation is just going to stay the way it is. So what you do is ask her out for coffee or something like that where you to can talk and get to know her and give her a chance to get to know you.

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it would be better if you asked her out again. Like to the movies or out to dinner or both or just something like that rather than asking her to be your g/f.

That usually goes without saying. Unless all my relationships are weird lol


If you hang out enough and you're together enough and you're 'dating' and all that and if saying "Will you be my girlfriend?" is too blunt and will make you feel weird, then maybe you could ask "What are we?" or "How do you feel about us?" or something those lines.


Anything that you want to say that will make you nervous, could easily be substituted by something that is easier to say.

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Well guys and girls I took your advice and She was telling me she wanted to go snowboarding so I told her ill take her snowboarding so she said alright. And I asked her if she wants to hang out sometime and she said like what and I said I dont know maybe go to a movie or something like that and she said sure. So how did I do? And thanks everyone for your advice you really helped me and gave me the spirit to believe in my self and go for it. And again Thanks.

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