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Life Seems Impossible!

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Being bi/lesbian is REALLY hard. Every day I hear degrading comments about gays and just sit there and take them. Sometimes I stick up for them(and myself), but other times you can't really say anything. It's almost impossible to find possible dates, because you never really know if someone is gay unless thery're extremly open about it. I'm not that afraid of being open, like if I found a girl I liked I'd date her without shame, but while I'm single I guess I kind of keep a low profile. At my school I have no idea if anyone else is bi/lesbian and no idea how I would go about disdcovering that without actually asking. Sometimes I think girls are interesting in me (this has happneed twice) but they ended up just being those stupid fake flirts that pretend they're bi/les. I asked both of them out and got rejected both times, and now I'm a tad discouraged. Geez!I just want to be able to love who I want without people taking a second glance or talking about me behind my back. It's a good time to be alive in Canada in this time, but things could still be better. We need a lot more tolerance from people, I'm sick of this! I don't know if its different outside highschool, but right now it's pretty bad. "faggot" is still a commonly used insult. I've told my paretns and family that I'm bi and they're perfectly ok with it, but now what? It's almost impossible to date anyone...this sucks. I dont want to have to go to a frickin gay bar just to find a date...this is ridiculous!

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