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Relationships never last......

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ok...I have no idea if im the only one who realized this....but no relationship ever lasts....its so good in the beginning and then something happens. Either to much fighting, cheating, trust issues, something bad always happens. It may not happen to everyone yet but it will, trust me....even when you have a perfect relationship, it gets boring then it doesnt last. You know what I mean. I feel like I will never find the right guy, I get so sad watching a movie like Cinderella Story or some other corny love story, cuz in reality thats not how things go.....

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ok...I have no idea if im the only one who realized this....but no relationship ever lasts........


depends what you mean by last?


There are people who have celebrated silver wedding (25 years) and golden wedding (50 years) anniversaries

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Have you ever heard about how we create our own destiny? If we go into a relationship believing it won't last or won't work....I guarantee it won't for some very good reasons, mostly being that your actions and feelings you project with that idea will lead to negative situations.


Not every relationship lasts, but many do as well. Relationships have their cycles - they are sometimes more exciting than other times, sometimes there are conflicts, but two individuals who are committed to each other and the relationship (even when they are having a hard time of it) can make it through and be rewarded. Love can be there early, but it builds over time and gets stronger through shared experiences.


Not all relationships will last for various reasons...you may both be too young, or immature, or just not right for one another, you may not have effective communications skills, or commitment, your values may be different, or your idea of the future...individuals are well, individuals so it takes two. HOWEVER, I firmly believe that there are those that truly do last through it all - my mother and stepfather are great examples of this in my life, but I know others too....and I know I shall be one of them too, and right by my side will be my partner. Idealistic..to some, but also a realist from past experience to know this is "it".

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It's may not last bc it's not meant to be with that person. Until you don't have you soul mate relationships willn't last.


I think the problems in relationships why they don't last is.....


1. Cheating

2. Trust Issues

3. Communications problemsw

4. Problems with spouse's family

5. Money

6. Too young/ want to experiences (ususally means cheating)



I know couple who's be together for over 60 years. Just my 2 cents.....

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