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valentines day suggestion?

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My wife and I have decided a few weeks ago to separate for a few months, just to give each other some space to think things over, and hopefully revitalize our marriage. Now Valentines Day is coming, and I really feel I want to do something to show her what a wonderful person she is. But I don't want to be too pushy and desperate with the risk that we are driven even further apart. Any suggestions what would be a good approach?



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Since you are separated right now it's important you respect her space and don't push her further away. Maybe a card letting her know you care about her would be a good idea. When/if you get back together you can make it up to her by taking her somewhere really special. Other people may come up with some better ideas for you but this is the most logical thing I can think of.

Good Luck,


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I agree with silvermanic. A card to let her know how much you care is the best for now. I just separated from my partner 4 weeks ago (his decision though) and although i would love to go out with him on valentines day i know that if i push the issue he will back off even more. It is hard to give the person space when you don't want to be away from them but its the only thing you can do. Respect her space, let her know you care but don't push for anything more.

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i think a sweet card and maybe a single red rose maybe nice. yeh i agree with what the others say but your relationship is not just a couple, you are married to each other still even if you are having some space. a little romantice gesture will be fine and i'm sure it will make her smile


qt xxx

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Thanks for the tips - I already thought of just a card myself, so it's assuring to see some similar thoughts.


We still get along, but she tells me she has no more feelings for me. I try to stay positive, but the thought that in a few months it turns out that it is really all over makes me sick in my stomach.




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