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we tried anal sex...

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you may remember me asking for advice on this a while back. but me and my boyfriend (of two years) finally tried anal sex about a week ago, and it didn't work out so well. it was kinda of uncomfortable (because it was the first time i tried) but it still felt kinda good. but after we stopped...it..SMELLED. it was really bad. and VERY obvious, but i think the both of us were to afraid to say something.

i like it when he has used his fingers 'back there' and i would like to continue doing so, but now i am afraid that he won't do it anymore. now i'm really self conscious about the whole thing and i feel very awkward when we screw around or hae sex.


what do i do?


one more thing--he has bad breath. like..all the time. and cometimes i don't want to kiss him because its so...BAD. he brushes his teeth like once a day and says he doesn't need to do it anymore because he doesn't get cavities and his breath doen't smell. but--it DOES! and he ignored the hints i drop.

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can't help on the anal sex thing, have no expertise to offer.


As far as the bad breath thing is concerned - if your relationship is close enough to have sex it should be close enough to tell him he has bad breath.


Bad breath is not just caused by cavities, there may be other tooth or gum problems or it could be something internally. For the sake of his health, and your nose, be honest enough to tell him, as tactfully but as clearly as you can.


Think of it as a test of your strength of charcter and his ability to bear bad news without flinching!!

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I don't really have much to offer on the anal sex thing either, but I think you guys are going to have to talk about it rationally and when you are not having sex or in the heat of the moment. If you guys are close enough to be having sex, you need to be able to talk like adults outside of the bedroom as well. Explain to him that you feel awkward (of course gently and tactfully), and that you like it when he uses his fingers, even if the anal sex didn't work out so well. My guess about the smell is that it is probably normal... that region of the body wasn't really made to smell like roses... but honestly I have no idea because I have not tried it. Perhaps anal sex, like regular sex, takes practice to make it really good, so talk it over and perhaps try again.


And for the bad breath, I agree with DN, try to tactfully mention it to him. Even if he thinks he doesn't need to brush his teeth because he doesn't get cavities, he needs to do it more than once a day or he WILL start to have problems. Brushing your teeth is necessary for good hygiene and health, not just for the sake of good breath.

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I, like the other posters, can't give you a lot of advice when it comes to anal sex. However, I would read the "Savage Love" columns written by Dan Savage in The Onion. Go to link removed. He's a sex advice columnist and anal sex is a pretty regular topic in the column. It may give you some hints in the right direction.


Does your boyfriend brush his teeth 3 times a day and does he floss everyday? You should say something to him about it tactfully. I'm sure that Miss Manners has a column on that somewhere too ...

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well when it comes to anal sex - for some people, ya just shouldn't do it. My boyfriend and I had a similar situation about a year ago. He really enjoyed it, and I did as well, but because of the "taboo" of it all, and the physical uncomfortableness, we only did it a few times. If you really want to try it again, my advice would be to lube lube lube. As for the smell, I've never had that problem, but there's not much you can do about that. It might not be like that everytime. It's one of those things where it's never as good as you thought it would be. Get him to use his fingers for a long time first before getting into it as well. As for the breath: well, you've got enough advice about that. Good luck.

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Well, with regards to anal sex, did you wash yourself thoroughly, like with an enema? I am not surprised about the smell because you're going back there and it doesn't smell like roses anyway, but that smell may have come from lack of preperation with cleaning the back door. Simply washing back there helps, but I think an enema is the best thing to minimize the smell.


As for the bad breath, I am not sure but maybe brushing once a day is not enough. I tend to brush in the morning, at night and after a heavy lunch if I remember to bring my toothbrush with me. Has he had his teeth cleaned recently - like within the last year? Does he floss? Does he smoke? If he brushes only once a day, he may have stuff backing up. It may be the foods he eats, like if he eats a lot of garlic or onions. I can tell you that brushing once a day won't tackle bad breath is he eats foods that tend to smell really bad or if he smokes. Brushing his tongue may also help. But he has to get way back there (almost gagging, but not throwing up, like a slight gag reflex.) These could help him.


If you guys are close enough to have anal sex, which I think is the Last Plateau in a sexual relationship then you shouldn't be embarrassed to tell him about his breath. If he ignored the hints, and it seems like he's in denial that his breath smells, just tell him.


Hope I helped, and I hope you did not get offended when I said about cleaning "back there". Just wanted to offer advice.

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the last post reminds me of a silly rhyme in a chidren's book. Change the body parts and it won't rhyme but it will still apply.


Moses supposes his toeses are roses

But Moses supposes erroneously,

For nobodys toeses are posies of roses

As Moses supposes his toeses to be.

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bad breath? actually, brushing after every meal is a good practice. But if he only brushes once a day, that's fine. But make sure he uses mouth wash. Listerine or Scope. Listerine is more potent lol


but, really, toothpast, if not washed off after brushing, stinks!!! Also, he should get some mints. I prefer the Life Savers hard mints, winterfresh? The ones in the green package lol They're good, not too strong, and work really well.


and also, if he goes to the dentist, i'm sure they'd find a cavity. if he only brushes once a day, when you get older, it catches up to you.

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First, anal sex takes time and practice, don't expect to get it right on the 1,2,3,4, or even 5th time. You have to get use to relaxing for one and then, things will work smoothly. It is uncomfortable when you first try it.


Second on the breath thing, there are a number of things that could cause this. My sister use to get bacteria on her tongue and then she went to the dentist and he gave her an antiseptic mouthwash that fixed it. Also a good thing are those strips that dissolve in your mouth.

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Forgive me for saying so, but what type of smell are you expecting when you're messing around with an area that has a sole purpose of crapping? If you ask me, it's normal for it to smell like poo from time to time. Isn't that what it's there for?


As far as the bad breath goes, there is nothing more sickening than making out with someone who has butt-breath. My ex had really raunchy breath at times, and after a while I got to a point that I would push him away physically if he tried to kiss me and say, "ugh, go brush your teeth". Bad breath is the ultimate mood-killer, and I think you'll find yourself being sicked out to the point that you won't even want his mouth near you.


I don't believe what people say about having no control over bad breath. Yes, there are gum disorders and other 'internal' issues, but as far as I know, they are all things very curable by speaking to your dentist or physician. People who are comfortable with having bad breath should only date other people with an equal amount of stank.

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