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He confused the day of our first date. Should I go out with him?


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This is my first post, so I hope it goes through. I made a first date with a guy for this Friday. We made the date while we spoke on the phone on August 5th. Yesterday, he texted that he couldn't wait to see me on Thursday night smh. I wrote back yesterday and said that we made the date for Friday. I have an excellent memory, btw. I texted him at 7 PM yesterday and didn't get a text back till 9:20 this morning...meh...Already off to a bad start. Anyway, his text said, "Friday sounds great. My memory is terrible for tentative plans but once we decide on something I will remember it. I know we talked about where to meet up too and I think we decided on Santa Monica right?" LAME. I texted back, "Haha. So, are you confusing all of your dates? Jon, You manwhore!! We said Santa Monica." He wrote back, "It's a miracle I remember to breathe most of the time. So Santa Monica at 7:30 on Friday night. Let's meet at the Santa Monica Place mall @ (address...) How does that sound?" I haven't texted back because I wanted some advice first. I don't like how he wasn't very apologetic. It also took him way longer than expected to write back. I'm almost positive that he confused me with another date because he mentioned that he's gone on a lot of 'decent Match dates'. Yay, so I'm one of 500 girls you're dating. I feel so special now Anyway, our conversation on the phone was a little awkward because I was nervous, but I think he likes me...maybe just not as much as I would like.


I think people should be on their best behavior at all times in dating, but especially in the beginning. This just seems flaky. Any advice? Would you give him a chance? Or, does this seem like a sign that he's not interested? Thanks

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