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why are all the good men taken

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don't feel down. that happened to me too. One time this guy really

liked me for three years, and just when i was falling for him, he

gave up on me and had a girlfriend, and that was when i had fallen

hard for him too. I had class with him and his gf and now instead

of my name; he's calling her name. I was crushed.


After graduation, on X-mas , i ran to the both of them at the mall.

They're still together. But i told myself i'll find someone



Just cheer up and don't give up on love; i know that u'll find someone.

Not all of the great guys are taken. You just have to look carefully.

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Hello ladies,


I am sorry to hear what you guys have gone through. I don't think all the good men are taken yet. To begin with: what's a 'good man' anyways? I think the definition varies from person to person.


I'd like to believe that I am a good man. Me being 31 and still single might give some hope... *grins*. And NO... I wasn't hinting Anyways, It takes a while to meet and greet Mr or Mrs Right. I have stayed single for a long time by choice. I wanted to work on myself first and be sure what I want and expect out of life. I wanted to travel and see things in the world. That I did. It's just of recent that I have become a little more family minded. I can tell you from experience that Mr or Mrs Right is not always sitting around the corner.


My suggestion is that you keep dating. Make sure that you have fun in life! That among everything is one of the most important things in life. Enjoy your life to the max. You only live once after all


~ SwingFox ~

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  • 1 year later...

I am convinced that not all the good guys are taken. There are plenty of nice guys to go around. The problem, I think, is that people get impatient and want things to happen sometimes (like finding the right person) at their beck and call. Life doesn't happen that way. Enjoy it and things will fall into place over time. Sometimes I feel that there aren't enough nice girls to go around, but in reality, there are plenty out there. Just don't preoccupy yourself so much with finding love and you will find it when you least expect it. Remember, you have to make yourself happy and love yourself above anything else.

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Well...I'm in the same boat as you girsl.


Every since I lost all my weight and gained musles, so suddently the girl I liked in high school wanted to get with me, but I rejected her, because I knew she didn't like the inside of me(something like that).


Anyways I got my eye on this other girl at college, she seems wonderfull, smart, and funny, and she laughts at my jokes too. But she is taken.


God damn it! I'm going to cry.

Well....I'm friends with her.

But....there this girl that I want to be with....I knew her when I was chubby

and I knew If I asked her then she would probably reject me, but things are diffrent now.


But I can wait.....(NO I CAN"T)

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All the good guys aren't taken.... your attracted to what is not good for you....... most of us are.. male or female..............


What you say you want and seek to your friends vs. family vs. reality of your subconscious are all different animals....

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Well, something must be going wrong, because I've been thinkin the same about girls for years now.


I never understood why the bad boys and the morons could pull the most stunning (with nice personalities).


I've been waiting for girls to grow up, to get out of this silly phase, but nothing so far has shown me otherwise.


At least it seems as though girls have the same problem.


If that's the case, where the heck are you? I'm standing right here!

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  • 4 weeks later...

"All the good guys aren't taken.... your attracted to what is not good for you....... most of us are.. male or female.............. "




This statement is so true. *sighs* I've found myself attracted to a guy that is horrible for me, yet my attraction for him is there all the same. The worst part is, I've given up ample opportunities to be with nicer men, simply because my heart isn't over this person yet.

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