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I love my friend.

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Hello. I'm confused right now. This may sound silly but I'm not sure if what type of love I feel for my net friend who I known about 2 years now. I don't know if I just love him like how a friend should love a friend or if I love him more then that like really love him -inlove.


I'm always thinking about him.

I get sad & miss him lots when i don't hear from him for a while but then

jump for joy when he does contact me whether its thro email,phone etc.(thinking yay he must still care about me & our friendship)

I go out of my way to help him whenever asks me to help him.


I don't know,what does everybody think? Any advice on this?

Am I just being a good friend to him or could I possibly feel more?

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Am I just being a good friend to him or could I possibly feel more?


Well, I think it's both. You are definitely being a good friend to him because you obviously care for him in that way. But it seems you are also interested in transcending a mere friendship boundary, to see if there is potential for something more. He seems to be occupying your thoughts a lot. Have you ever considered meeting your friend in person?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

What youare experiencing is absolutely normal. There is nothing wrong with that.


There may be a variety of reasons why you feel attached to him. You may be lonely, or he gives you some positive feedback that makes you feel good.


What is the problem here? Are you trying to accomplish anything particular or just want to sort out your feelings?

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  • 3 weeks later...

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