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He hates me...and I just want to be his friend..

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Me and my ex of six months just broke up..on very bad terms...I know he didnt treat me the way I deserve to be treated, and it needed to end...I knew that but it didnt make it any easier...I never stood up for myself in the relationship, I did everything for him, but he told me I did everything wrong...so I tried harder...I just want someone to love me and treat me right, I didnt think that was so hard....but from him it was....well now that were over, he hates me...and that hurts because I did so much for him....I want to move on and not care, but I don't know where to start every thought is of him, he was my life for the last six months....does anyone feel this way that can help or just talk I think will make me feel better I dont know I just know I cant stand the way I feel....he made me feel worthless, when I know I have so much to offer...what kind of person does that to someone else....can anyone help...

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Sweety I know how much this hurts. I went threw exactly the same thing in June last year. It's very difficalt and it does hurt. It takes time, you will hurt for a long time but it will get easier I promise!

I'm still not over my ex boyfriend and occationally if I see him I cry afterwards. But I never contact him anymore because he didn't want to be friends with me. I guess thats all you can do. Some men are like that and they arn't worth your effort. I did everything for my ex and then he told me he used me. They make us feel worthless but we arn't! Feel free to pm me okay? Take care,


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It's so completely normal for you to feel this way. I have felt the way you do. I have had my heart broken plenty of times and it seriously doesn't get any easier.


Right now its best if you don't talk to him. No contact is the best way to get over someone, it really is. Whenever you see him or talk to him, all your feelings will just come right back and you'll never get over him and if you do, it will take so much longer.


It doesn't matter how he treated you. I mean, even if he was a jerky boyfriend at times, you still had feelings for him and it's hard to just let go of someone you feel that way for, even if you know you deserve better.


No contact works well because after a couple weeks or so, you will realize that you aren't thinking about him as much. Of course there will be moments where you miss him, thats completely normal, but you will miss him less and less. I also find that it helps to write in a journal, or even here about how you are feeling. It helps a lot to talk, or write about your feelings.


Feel free to pm me, or add me to your messenger if you need to talk.

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Iam in the very same situation with me ex girlfriend. I kept on fighting with her and pressuring her tobe be back together and I finally pushed her buttons and she wanted me out of her life and not even a friendship. I really regret arguing with her and it has been a week of NC. I just want her friendship now and we have been together for 4 years and its hard to forget someone thats a big part of your life and your best friend. Should I wait for her to call me back or give her more NC time to cool off and call her. I know she didnt mean what she said because shes the kind of person that always says things then takes them back and she always said she never wanted me out of her life before I finally pushed her over the edge.

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thanks for the replies it really does help to hear from people who have been through this before...of course i have been through this before, but everytime i fall in love i forget how it feels and this part never gets easier....hes just so immature and he will send me accidental texts to meet at my house for lunch and then he'll say nm that was to someone else...and hes 2 yrs older than me...i do still love him and i miss him so much but i dont want to...i know it will get easier i just hope it doesnt take too long i hate this feeling...and in response to the last post...dont contact her...shell come around if its meant to be i know thats not what you want to hear...but we can do it! im trying my hardest to not think about him...try the same thing...contact me if you need to talk...i know the feeling...

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I just found out more information about him that I have to get off my chest...I talked to my cousin and she even told me what a scum he is...he told her he would have slept with her friend if i wasnt there...now i know he really is like this...but that doesnt change that i loved him..i want to move on but how can i when i cant move...i cant think of anything but him...

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