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Did I just break No Contact?

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My gf (24) broke up with me about 8 weeks ago and I have been NC with her for about 5 weeks. I fell to some neediness/pushiness in the first few weeks after getting dumped so I have been really proud of getting so far.


I feel like I broke NC today and it is bothering me so much because I feel like a lot of my feelings have reset... here's why.


Last week one of my good but kind of arrogant friends took it upon himself to text my ex without me knowing. He has known her for awhile before me so he thought he had business reaching out to her and pushing her for answers as to why she broke up with me/for closure. My ex was extremely taken off by this and ended up texting one of my other good friends asking what the deal was with the situation and he in turn told me. Finding out upset me so much because of how it makes me look... it looks like I don't respect my ex's space and could possibly be talking poorly about her. My ex and I don't hold much respect for this guy but he is my friend after all and can make me look bad in a sensitive time.


This morning I had to take it upon myself to send my ex a text explaining that I heard my friend had reached out to her. I told her how upset it made me when I found out because I know how important space is to her and wanted her to hear that from me, and how much I respect that. I mentioned that he had randomly reached out to me asking about our break but that I didn't give him any reason to act in anyway. I ended it by saying I hope all is well and hope she had a great vacation.


It's been about 10 hours since I sent the text so I don't expect to hear back. The fact that she hasn't responded (even though it didn't elicit much of a response) has my head spinning. I don't know if she's even more pissed off then before or she just doesn't have anything to say... We have been best friends for the past 2 years and I understand being cold in the first few weeks of a break up but I figured after more then a month and a half it would turn a little at least. I was planning to break No Contact a couple months in just to see how she's doing and give her an amicable text but my friend put me in a position where I was forced to address something negative.


Is this considered breaking No Contact.. does it make it look like I care to much or did I do the right thing letting her know?

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I just thought it would be a better decision then having her think I'm sending one of my friends at her...

No big deal. The setback will be temporary, and it hasn't reset you to the start, however you may feel now. Within a few days, you will be back to the stronger person you were becoming, and you have learned a valuable lesson as well. No problem.


But yeah, NC means NC, so stop worrying about her feelings and focus on yourself from now on. Good luck!

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