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Am I thinking too much about this?

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Don't put any meaning to a liked post. Unless your ex messages you bluntly "oh I am regretting being apart from you. Please come back. Let's start over".


Your three weeks of no contact is great! Some time ago, the first few days of NC were devastating for me. You got 21 days down! Keep it up!

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MY ex and I of a year and a half broke up about a month ago. We've been in no contact for 3 weeks and yesterday she liked an old Facebook status of mine from a few days ago. Clearly she was creeping on my facebook. What could this mean?

So you are still friends on facebook? If so, then that cannot be considered No Contact. If not, and she could view your profile even without being friends, then time to change your privacy settings. You are thinking too much about it, but that is a natural reaction, analysing your ex's every move.....hence the reason why TOTAL No Contact is needed in the aftermath of a break up.

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