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i seen the types of posts here and really need help,

to the to the point of help.. I know my g/f would like to sleep with me, i know this after overhearing her convo with her best friend, and other things to. thing is, im a virgin and shes not, i want to as well as we are doing great in our relationship and we both love each other.

The problem is i really dont wanna mess it up or summit, i suppose im just a neagtive thinker and just want her to be as happy as possible.

Can anyone help me with a few things, such as the best way to bring the topic up around her?... i want to let her know but she gets really shy and stuff easily.

Also a few other things. may sound stupid buy hey.. im sure everybodys asked it at some point..

-How long would be ideal for a typical session of sex?

-What would be ideal to say afterwards, something like i love you?

Maybe ill add some more soon.. Hope you can help.. i have low confidence at the best of times


ty in adv.


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First of all, don't be nervous. If she knows it your first time she won't be expecting fireworks. She mostly didn't get them her first time either.


I would think the best way for you to bring up this topic would be to ease your way into it. Just casually bring it up. Or if you would rather just skip the talking because you know she wants to do it anyways, then while you two are making out, make your move.


-How long would be ideal for a typical session of sex? It all depends. It could take anywhere from 10 minutes to 2 hours. It can last as long you make it.


-What would be ideal to say afterwards, something like i love you? You don't have to say anything afterwords, just refrain from saying "Thanks...that was fun". I love you would be a nice touch, but she might just think your saying it because you got laid


Good luck and don't worry about it

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Before you have sex, was discussion of possible consequences of babies, etc discussed about? About the person's views of abortions? Otherwise, you & her are not ready to have sex yet. Once you have covered the basics, then just go with the flow. It's not expected to be great the 1st time, but with practice makes better.

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