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Ive wanted to get Lasik Eye Surgery for a long time.

Finally 2 weeks ago I signed up and last week I got my eyes checked to see if i was a canidate.


They told me that I have something wrong in the back of my eye and it "might" be from my contacts irritating my eyes (which i had my contacts out for a week before)... so i dont think it is.

But they told me to come back in another week and still wear my glasses and maybe it will go away.


Did anyone else that got that surgery...have to come back becuase of a similar situation?



Also, they gave me drops to put in my eyes acouple times a day, and for some reason, I dont know if its the drops or just me... Ive been having A LOTT OF CRUST 'eye sleepies' in my eyes.... and I read on the internet that it could be from inflammed eyes.... (which is what the lasik doctor told me i might have)



anyone...pllzz help... I need this done so bad. I know you guys cant help me with fixing my eyes, but i just need to know if ne one else got the surgery done but had a similar situation....


maybe i can still get it... I HOPE...we will see in a week!

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my best friend got it. the operation went fine & theyve improved it since it was first introduced to the public a few years ago. before you couldnt move your eye at all b/c it would screw up everything! but now youre able to move your eye w/o it messing everything up. she had to wear dart UV sunglasses inside & outside for like 2 weeks. she looked funny in a diner at midnight rockin sunglasses though, but hey some may just think youre a celebrity. 8)


and one irriation for people who get the surgery is that bright halogen or Xenon headlights REALLLLY bother her eyes. but you can get used to it a little more as time passes. its just that your eyes are so incredibly in tuned w/ everything you see that bright lights & the sun can hurt.


youre gonna have to stay away from chlorine & salt water for a while & you may see things a little blurry as your eyes adjust. but its a great thing & now she has better than perfect eyesyte.



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My Uncle got it, he used to wear glasses before he got it.

I think lasik surgery is like.. trimming off the edge slide off your eye? something like that - I heard or something <_>

but sometimes it can go wrong - like his friend also got it, but he can't see well at night/dark times.

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Also, they gave me drops to put in my eyes acouple times a day, and for some reason, I dont know if its the drops or just me... Ive been having A LOTT OF CRUST 'eye sleepies' in my eyes.... and I read on the internet that it could be from inflammed eyes.... (which is what the lasik doctor told me i might have)



anyone...pllzz help... I need this done so bad. I know you guys cant help me with fixing my eyes, but i just need to know if ne one else got the surgery done but had a similar situation....


maybe i can still get it... I HOPE...we will see in a week!


maybe you have untreated astigmatism... i have that. its when your eye(s) is 'shapened' differently inside. i know i had contacts & they irritated the hell out of my eye!!! yikes!! & those 'eye crusties' aka sleepies are just dried up tears. maybe your eyes are not agreeing w/ the prescription your Dr. gave you. they could definitly be inflamed. thats why they feel so irritated & tear a lot. make sure you take your contacts out before you go to sleep too.



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Hi. I had laser eye surgery when I was 18....three years ago.


I didn't have LASIK, but I had PRK done. Lasik is when you slice a part of your eye off and laser the part underneath. Whereas PRK simply lasers your actual eye so it takes longer to heal. I had really bad astigmatism so that is why I had to have PRK done. It allowed me to laser a larger part of my eye.


I would have to say that the procedure really depends on your personal prescription. If you have a mild prescription, you have better chances at a good result. My result is quite mediocre. I have about 40/20 vision which does not sound that great but it does the trick and is legal to drive with. The worst part of the procedure is my night vision. When you get the procedure done as a younger person, your pupils dilate more than older people. This means that when it is dark, my pupils become quite large and go beyond the treated area. If you have high astigmatism, I would suggest you take this into consideration. The night vision cannot be corrected with lenses, so this is a permanent decision.


I am super happy with my results only because I have worn glasses since I was three years old and its sooo nice not to wear them anymore and my eyes were sooo bad that I really was almost blind. If I lost a lense in my glasses, I was so lost in the world....


I would suggest thoroughly looking at the statistical results your doctor should provide for you. Think about the odds of problems arising. Also, I would advise to invest in paying top dollar for the best doctor and service. Your eyes are permanent. Be careful!

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My coworker had it done but she still has to wear glasses. She had the top doctor (and paid big bucks for it too) perform the surgery out here in California. From what she told me it only corrects a certain type of sight (near or far..not sure) so be sure to check out which one you have. I think it only corrects nearsightedness as she still had to continue wearing glasses when reading, working on the computer, etc. You also want to check the reputation of the doctor you think you want to perform the procedure. I know a lot of dr's are able to do it but remember this..you pay what you get.

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