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Ok so i'm new on here but i've searched everywhere on the internet & it seems as though nobody is having my problem. I started birth control back in August & I stayed on it for 2 months & I started losing unexplainable weight & I thought it was the birth control so I quit taking it....well it is about 6 months later & my problem all of a sudden came back the other day. I got a stomach ache one night & thought it's just something going around well I have had a stomach ache for a little more than a week now and I throw up every time I eat or even drink anything & i'm losing a lot of weight again & lastnight i had this sharp pain where my heart is, it felt like I was having a heart attack but then it just went away, I told my mom about it but she said she felt sick for about a week or so a couple of weeks ago & that I am probably fine, I am thinking I probably need to go to the hospital especially if I cannot eat, anyone know whats wrong with me or what to do?? *Nikki*

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You should go to a doctor immediately. No one here can tell you what is wrong without being a doctor and seeing you in person and running the appropriate tests.


Don't mess around with your health and go to a doctor.


It could be any number of things, but right now you are also at risk of dehydration and blackouts are NOT good to have (another sign of dehyrdration and malnourishment). So go please!

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absolutely see a doctor. It could be any one of a number of things, some of them potentially serious.


I thought I was having a heart attack one time and it turned out to be gallstones. Ended up having my gallbladder removed. It also made me nauseated.


I could not have handled that without seeing a doctor and having the surgery. And it could well have been something else.


See a doctor.


And good luck.

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