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How observant are you?

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What is your method for observing reactions from a person you are dating or want to date? Are there certain things you pay more attention to rather than others? Does your own opinion of that person or how much you are interested in them influence your analysis?


Thoughtful Response: Body language usually does not lie, unless you're dealing with someone who is making a conscious decision regarding their body language (i.e. a stripper at a bar will show positive body language, but it's a conscious decision on her behalf because she wants to get paid). I would say I pay attention to body lanauge first and foremost, followed by what they have upstairs (aka. brain). Obviously, it comes down to what you want in a female.


Psychology tells us that we tend to have positive feelings for people who have positive feelings for us. With that being said, you're more likely to like someone who you think likes you.


Shallow Response: blonde, blue eyes, skinny, top-heavy.

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What is your method for observing reactions from a person you are dating or want to date? Are there certain things you pay more attention to rather than others? Does your own opinion of that person or how much you are interested in them influence your analysis?


I would say there are definitely things I observe and that form my interest level, and more so how I will proceed with things (of at all).


I'll look at their interactions not only with me, but with others (both strangers and friends, etc). I observe their tone of voice, their body language in different situations, how they respond to different situations and environments. All this is order to learn more about their personality, their respect, their attitude and interest in me. It is generally to learn about their character, and their relationship with me.


Are there things I look more for - not intentionally, but instinctually I look for respect, affection, selfessness, interest, attraction, intelligence/wisdom...various things that can be seen in different situations and interactions.


Yes, my opinion/interest in them likely does very much influence it as the more interested, the more I want to learn about them and observe them, which will probably deepen my opinion/interest in them...it becomes a circle!

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you're more likely to like someone who you think likes you.



Conversely, I think you're more likely to think someone likes you, when you like them.


Which is exactly why there's so many "does she like me" posts...When you like someone, and you're trying to analyze how they might feel for you, its very easy to assume that little things she does mean more than they do

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What you focus your observations on really depends on what you're looking for and what you value highly in a person. For me, I observe the way they talk to people, their body language as they interact with others, their vocabulary. I like a person with wit and style. So that's what I watch for.

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I normally look at people eyes, and the way that they are looking. Or the sound of their voice.


When people are lying, they normally look or sound bored or angry or dismissive. Sometimes they talk too fast, so that you can't understand them.


Sometimes they will pay a lot of attention to details, then sometimes they will seem bored or tired for no reason.


They may seem like they are acting out sexually, like looking for attention.

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