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I was a virgin up until two weeks ago, when I drank too much (I know, bad decision...) my boyfriend took me back to my place and I was giving him a blowjob until he stopped me and basically, er, started thrusting into me. That continued for like, five minutes or so before I smartened up and told him to quit it.


He never came inside me at all, I don't even really think he was close, but... could I be pregnant? I'm told that you can get pregnant from precum as well... we weren't using any sort of birth control at all. I've been absolutely paranoid since that day - I'm 18 and a baby is out of the question right now. Pulling my hair out!!

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Take a home pregnacy test (available at any drugstore/chemist/pharmacy)


and then, smarten up even more and go to your local clinic and get birthcontrol girl!!


This is bound to happen again, and you better prepare for the unlikely event, rather than worry and wait, and living in a fatasy world where these things only happen to other people


To answer your question - YES, you could definitely get pregnant from that!

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Shabby, I know you are scared. Take a pregnancy test, they are acurate and can test it as soon as 2 x days after the "event". If it is negative, you can sigh a huge sigh of relieve, and get those pills!


Of course he would tell you he did it tons of times with his ex. Maybe they were lucky, maybe she can't get pregnant, maybe he's not fertile etc etc. You can't take chances like that.


I hope you will be ok, and I know you are terrified. Whatever happens we are here to talk if you need to.


Good luck girl!

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That was strange that he brought up the whole thing with him and his ex doing it all the time. What does that have to do with anything? It doesn't matter how many times he has done it, or how "experienced" he might think he is at that, it really only takes one tiny slip up. Actually it doesn't even take a slip up, it takes one little bit of precum to get inside you.


Like the others have said, it is very possible to get pregnant. Also, you probably would know, but if you aren't going to use a condom, then make sure that niether of you are carrying an std! Thats very risky.


I suggest talking to him maybe. If you don't want to have unprotected sex, then make sure he is aware of this. I mean, just tell him that you would like to be careful about it and would prefer not doing anything unless he has a condom. If you don't want to have sex at all for now, then he needs to be aware of that too.

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The chances of getting pregnant are pretty small, especially seeing how it was just one time and he didn't come (a lot of the time when you hear about couples getting pregnant from the pull out method - they're having sex several times a week over a period of time - you can see how the risk of pregnancy would increase).


But -- this doesn't mean you are guaranteed not to get pregnant, wait for your period to come, if it doesn't or if it's late, go get a pregnancy test.


I also highly suggest that you go to your doctor and get tested for sexually transmitted diseases - if your boyfriend had been having unprotected sex with other people, there is a very real risk that he may have contracted one from one of his previous partners.

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