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Does anyone else search through threads on this forum and read some thinking wow could this be my ex writing this and then feel sad when they realise it's not!? I know it's madness but part of me wishes he's struggling as much all these months on but I know it's hugely unlikely. I believe men can compartmentalise how they feel especially when they've done the ending. It's easier for them to forget and move on. I like me whod been doing so well but is now stuck feeling sad lonely and miserable again. He's so close to where I live that I could bump into him or him and his no doubt new girlfriend it makes me ill thinking he could and probably is waking up cuddling someone else. It's so horrible realising the guy you were with was most likely lying about his feelings for me the entire time we were together. I don't understand how some women can be demanding horrible women and keep their man and me who's so easy going and loving they all leave me. I made no demand of my ex. And yet he's sticking to his guns.he doesn't want to be with me plain and simple. I'm dreading gping out now in case I bump into him. Hate it. WHY CAN'T HE COME BACK. or WHY CAN'T I JUST GET OVER IT

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Yes lol long time ago when I was searching/googling & came accross situations similar to myself, I would think it could possibly be my ex. Upon further reading I would find out, oh wait...it's a guy; or other details that would eliminate the possibility of it being her.


You have to remember that forums such as these are only one of a numerous amount of ways of coping with a breakup. Maybe they do no come here but you have to believe they were in some way affected by us no longer being with them & dealt with it in their own way.


You will hear so many cases of people sticking with their abusive, demanding partner. Don't fret over it, or about you running into him. He does not own public property so you are not trespassing on anything.

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