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Today, is Jan 25, 2005 i will be 22 in like 13 days. I am thinking if i was meant 2 be with someone who I had that speical guy or also know soul mate by now? Guyz told me I was pretty and very nice woman but nothing ever happens after that. Most of the time i never hear from them again. I think they really don't want to hurt me bc I think I am not pretty. I would post my pic on here but I don't know how. If someone would tell me how I would let the truth come out....

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i'm sure ur beautiful! ur just really hard on urself. look in the mirror and find posititve things about yourself and say them aloud. once you believe that you're beautiful, give it time, the right guy will come along. i promise you that. and remember, sometimes the right one is the one you'd least expect it... sorry i cant be of much help... i'm only 15, but people say i have a good insight on life. keep waiting, he'll show up at your door soon.

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I only wish that is true. You think very postive about life. I was also when I was that age also. I do have good points but I have some bad also Like my teeth and my hearing I think thats the problem. Also when I am with guyz i like i know I try to act cool to express them but it doesnt help i need to be me and only me. When I see pretty girl i get so upset. But I think some of them need their attuide check out.

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At one point or another, nearly everyone has the feeling that they're just not good enough. Some of the most beautiful, friendly people I know don't believe that they're attractive. I personally wouldn't call myself gorgeous; however there are guys who have told me I'm beautiful. My personality I believe is so-so. There can always be improvements in my opinion. I guess the point is that nobody really thinks they're perfect or just so amazing over everyone else, and usually the people that do feel this way about themselves have huge egos and are probably not that pretty on the inside anyways. There's a fine line between confidence and egotism, and even the most confident people know that there may be prettier, nicer, smarter people out there, but they also accept it. Unlike egotistical people where they believe that they are the best. Just remember that everyone is human, and how much money or what they look like doesn't matter in the big scheme of life. Don't get down about not having a guy around. Embrace it and find happiness in being single. Then your prince will come.

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Hey, don't feel too bad. I'm in the same place you are. I'll be 22 in a week and I've never come close to have a relationship. It's not because of how we look, its just that we have bad luck. We haven't found the right person yet. It's hard and frustrating to deal with, but it will happen eventually. When it does we'll enjoy it and won't care how long it took. The waiting may even make it better cause we will cherish the experience more, knowing how much we've longed for it.


I'm sure you are very pretty. And remember, true beauty comes from within. Those so called pretty girls who need to have their attitudes checked, they aren't beautiful. Someone who is nice and caring, like you sound, is beautiful. Believe you are beautiful on the inside and it will shine through on the outside.

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Ya dont worry man even though im young im coming to age 18 without ever having a gf.I think im pretty ready to turn over a new leaf and actually try to go after some girls and strike some conversation.You just gotta keep trying i bet one of those girls would say yes.I think im not that good looking but there have got to be some girls that would like me and there should be for you.Just keep at it.

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Thanks so much. I look in the mirror last nite before I went to work. I see I was pretty but could do some changing. I know I need to drop some pounds. But I look I do look nice tho but in my eyes and head i need to change. Bad luck is that what its called. Maybe God thinks some people are juist too nice and went through alot in live to have men in our lives that just going to hurt or isn't the right one. Like I went to have fun but I don't have a lot of friends either. I don't know why. But sometimes I can get on people nerves i guess. but they also say having one or two close friends is better.

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Your time will come for a relationship, just be careful when it does happen.


Even though people told me all the time that I was pretty and nice, I never believed them. I was 19 before I had my first real relationship. Because I had longed for it for so long, I basically jumped into it blindly.


I was so happy to have him in my life that I made a lot of bad choices. I ignored his past, and made myself believe that he would be different with me. He wasn't. He lied to me, manipulated me, and took advantage of me. I let him do it, and was crushed when, like all typical jerks, after he got what he wanted, he dumped me with no warning.


I'm not saying that the same thing will happen to you, just be careful and keep your eyes open. Take things slow. Any guy deserving of your love will understand, and will not rush you into things.


Don't be so cautious that you miss out on all the fun of the relationship, though. There is a happy medium between keeping too much of yourself and giving too much of yourself. You just gotta find where that point is for you.


Don't give up, though! There are plenty of guys who will appreciate you. Good luck!

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