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is it ok to cum in my gf even though.....


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i was wondering, as of safety precautions, will it be safe for me to cum in my gf even though i am wearing a condom?


the reason why i am asking is because it is of much ease for me to keep going and never have to change positions till the time of climax


Lets say my penis is in her and i am wearing a condom and am about to climax, would u guys say its ok for me to cum even though im wearing a condom?



a- will it leak? (even though im using a premium condom)

b- are the chances of her getting preg very low, low, likely, or?....

c- do you guys/girls do this too or no?


thanks guys!/girls

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yes if she has birth control it would be the best choice. My recomendation for birth control is, Have her go to a doctor and get a shot that is given once a month. Im not sure what the specifics about are, but my girlfriend gets them. She doesn't have to take the 1 per day pill anymore. Trust me look into this

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take a shot?.....wow. is that all, just a shot from a doctor and me wearing the rubber then its fine?....



that seems to be easier than taking a pill, but still....how many days can i go before the serum or "shot" that she got lasts?....is there like a buffer area date where the shot given will dissipate?



any other advice?



btw- THANKS nexus!

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to my knowledge the shot works within a day, it will last a month or more and she will have to go back for a new one. Any time during that month is a good time to have sex. Not sure on the price ill have to ask my girlfriend. Make sure you get all the info for the doctor after the shot if given. In my city the shots are given at a hospital, put you can go ask a planned parenthood about these shots too.oh yea these shots a fairly new so not many people know about them, and there don't seem to be ang side affects.

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I'm on the pill, and while it can be a pain to remember to take it every night, I prefer getting my periods and knowing that I am not pregnant... the pill is also a great medicine for other problems women get (such as cramps, pimples, even facial hair!) so it has more benefits than just protection against pregnancy, which is why I prefer it.


You'd be "okay" with just condoms, but they are only effective when used properly (which I've heard scary statistics about how many people really use it properly). It can break, but in the two years I've been having sex with my boyfriend, we've not had a condom break yet. We have, however, had some scares when the condom slipped off when he pulled out. I highly recommend that the girl also use a form of birth control, so if there is an accident, you have a backup plan. Being careful is much better than being unexpected parents.

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If your girlfriend is responsible, I would suggest she take the pill or the patch, over the shot. The pill and patch keep the body far more "regular" with a lot less side effects, and are easier to come off of when she is older and does want children. It only takes a month or two to have your body regulate itself back to normal. The shot leaves many women infertile for months, even years afterwards, and has some NASTY side effects. I know women who had serious mood changes due to it, as well as terrible spotting (it often will "stop" your period except for a couple times a year, but those times can last weeks, and you can spot a lot in between).


Comparing side effect risks, I would take the pill/shot everyday over the shot every three months. It is not hard to remember to take it once you make it part of your routine. And keep using condoms too

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Here's what me and my boyfriend do:

I will let him ejaculate inside of me *with a condom on, of course. Always* only within a week and a couple of days after the end of my period because I'm not ovulating/the rist of pregnancy is nill. After that time, I have him withdraw, with the condom on.

Unless your girlfriend is on birth control, etc. I think this is a safe way to go until that time. And just an added comment in reply to what someoen else said about the shot... I have hear nothing but stories of weight gain. And no one wants that. She should just stick to the pill if that's what you guys end up doing is going for BC.

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