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Alright, I would just like to hear other people's opinions on this because i would like to try to understand how my friend is feeling.


When i was in high school, i met this guy. He used to have a crush on me and i had a crush on him...but nothing ever happened we were just always flirtatious with one another (i'm a flirtatious person by nature) and it was just one of those high school crushes that faded. Although, we did stay really good friends and he knows a lot about me, i talk to him and get advice from him on things, we go out and do things and we always have a good time together - normal friendship. Thing is, he started going out with one of my best friends ( I introduced them actually) and at first everything was amazing, we'd all hang out together and i'm really happy for the both of them. This friday, we were all supposed to go out to this club because it was his friend's b-day and she said he could bring 3 other ppl with him...so he invited his gf (my best friend), me, and one other friend. Well his gf (my best friend) decided she was tired and didn't feel like going...so i still went with him. We had an amazing time...it was great and didn't feel weird at all...we even made plans for next weekend hoping that this time she would actually come. Anyways today, I found out that she's really mad that i went. She told one of our other friends that she doesn't trust the two of us together, and that it makes her really uncomfortable that we hang out. I feel like i did nothing wrong, it's not like he invited me and not her...he invited both of us but she didn't feel like going. Also, I feel like she's not approving of my friendship with him and it frustrates me because if it weren't for me they would have never met!!! I don't know what to do...we don't deliberately call each other and ask to hang out just the two of us alone...but i feel now that everytime we're supposed to hang out in a group and she can't that i have to cut myself out of the plans, i'm trying to put myself in her shoes but it's hard for me to understand her - nothing is going on between me and him and i'm one of her best friends and i feel like she should trust me and him ...please just give me some advice ...it would be appreciated.

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i really have no advice other than this to say, she is being immature about the situation especially since you knew him before she did and you had a friendship with him before they even met. she should not put restrictions on u and this guy's friendship and maybe you should just talk to her and explain that to her. if you don't want to sound mean and jepordize (sp?) your friendship with her tell her she has nothing to worry about and that you and him are just friends who get along great.

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