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Is she just shy or does she dislike me?

Juniper jump

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Ive know this woman for years, although there has always been some awkwardness between to which I can't explain why not all the time but very often. So, she's a little shy although mainly I think she lacks a bit of self esteem (walks around, looking down) although somedays she seems more confident or 'open' than others.

Here's the thing, when I enter the room she's in she'll be looking at the door looking at me walking in then as soon as I look at her she turns her head and eyes away from me and goes back to loking at her PC screen. The thing is two other guys go in before me and she'll look at them but them as soon as I look boom immediate look away. Somedays she won't look at all.I've noticed it again as im about to look at her she'll look away. If I look at her whilst she's walking past, and she notices, she'll avert her eyes.

She seems to kind of ignore me more than others. Not totally ignore me though. It's hard to explain. When I bought something she was asking who I bought the item for, if we're together in a group she'll be more Interacting with me, but if we're alone she'll be less so, even sometimes talk bluntly and serious. If we pass eachother alone she won't say a word to me, other times she will. she mentioned to a couple of us guys about our girlfriends, but whilst she said it she looked at me from the corner of her eye.

She knows I don't have a gf, but that was from about a month ago. Another guy joked about me being not good looking and she laughed. It sounds like she dislikes me a lot right? But the thing is she laughs at things I say when I'm joking, and she calls me sometimes by my full first name, no one does because I'm known by my short name. Why would she laugh if she disliked me? And saying all this sometimes again when someone else is with us when I'm talking she'll keep very good eye contact and literally won't look else where, that is until some other girl enters the room then she stops interacting with me. If said girl teases me, she won't even laugh. When I turn to talk to her she'll avert her eyes and look down, she doesn't really look a lot at people. Somedays if she's feeling more confident she'll look me in the eyes when we're talking actually quite intensely.

Is she like this purely because she's shy, or does she even dislike me?

I really like her as a person and would hate to think I've done soemthing for her to dislkie me.


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Now, now, Juniper


Don't play coy with us. You'd actually like to know if she has a crush on you. Dude! I'm a woman and all women know that blokes do not write half a page on the behavioral habits of a random co-worker unless they are putting in quite a lot of study.


And why studying that hard? Because they have a crush themselves and are trying assess State-Of-Play.


Ask the right question and then lets go from there, on this thread.



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Oh Good grief!


I've just checked your history. You've asked this question on 6 previous threads. Over six months!!!??? Will you keep going until some-one gives you the answer you want?


What is it you truly want here and why the deception? I have to be honest, if this is the type of deceptive interaction you have with your co-worker, do see why you have hamstrung yourself from honestly getting to the truth.


I suspect it's you that's introduced deceptive game-playing into this co-worker relationship. And if you have worked with her for years, how long are you willing to wait until you introduce some subtle transparency into your interactions.



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