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Oh no


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Well I have recently developed a small crush on someone who is a little bit younger than me. 4 years. I get some "bad boy" vibes from him which is appealing but also not at the same time.


But he is really nice and talks about his mother a lot (nice things) which I think is good, because the last guy I dated really had nothing nice to say about his mom which I thought was a bad sign. He is also very jovial which is completely opposite of the last guy, so I like that too.


However, part of me wonders what the heck I'm doing even talking to him! ah!

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so....what's the problem?


haha I don't know. I guess because he is 20 and I am 24...which I think is different than say, 30 and 34.


Also he has been in trouble with the law for weed which I am not against but I think being in a position where you are going to get in trouble for it is a sign of immaturity.

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Anytime someone is involved with the law, I would head in the opposite direction, but that's just me.


Yep thats mainly the problem. The same thing happened to me with the weed thing when I was 18 but of course I was also a lot more immature back then.


Well, he is a nice enough guy and I don't know about him but I'm not looking for anything serious. I am pretty sure in my heart of hearts that if this progresses it will only be a spring/summer fling type of thing which I am fine with.

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Lots of maturing needs to be done at 20 years old. It's amazing the jump you take from that age. On that front, I think you should tread careful.


That said... I don't think this whole weed issue is the end of the world. As you said, it happened to you as well. I'd be much more concerned if it were other drugs, or in fact he was abusing weed.


Use your brain over your heart. Usually, logic will always prevail.

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I think 4 years is a big difference even well into your 20s, eg 24 and 28 espcially when the guy is the younger one. I've met enough guys in their mid 20s (when I'm in my late 20s) to see their immaturities, because I had been though the same stage, I could recognise their mindset and realise that they had more growing up to do and realise that as attractive and fun and nice as they may be, and as much as I enjoy their company, I couldn't date someone less mature than me. So you may want to think about if you can do it.

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