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He Called ME Last Night..and I told Him NO MORE!!

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Yup, the ex called last night, haven't talked to him in a while i didn't even know it was him until he said he missed me. Then he went on talking and i was just giving like one word answers, and then he said "you don't sound very excited to talk to me" and i said something like "well im actually not" and i went on to say that we shouldn't be talking because it's not helping us and that it's better off if we just stop.


He went on to try to tell me that he wanted to prove to me that he is different, and i just said, "wow in a week?" and hes like you are probably right, then i just went on and said that i've heard it all before and that i just dont see us getting back together in the near future, if ever again. I just said that he didn't deserve me and that i don't deserve to be treated that way, and i am not going to be. then i said something like i have givin him 2 years of chances to change and i haven't see anything happen, so i am the one that is going to make a change and that is by walking away.


It's so unbelivable how much strenght i feel like i have now, like when he was talking to me telling me that he planned on coming to my house and apologizing to my family and all this stuff...i just came out and said no you weren't you are just saying things that you think i want to hear so i come back to you...and as far as i can see i don't have a good enough reason to take you back, because really no matter what he does it cant take away the pain that he has already caused, not only on me but my family and friends.


I was talking to my grandmother last night and i told her for once i don't have the urge to run back to him...and even though all the things he has put me through and how much he has hurt me...i still feel bad for talking crap about him...but i just have no reason to go back to living like that...like a prisioner.


Okay, well i just wanted to fill everyone in...and vent a little. thanks for listening!

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That's great sugarsweetness, it mat take a while for him to get the message though. Be prepared. He will probably continue with the sweet talking stuff for a while but when he realises it is not working he may revert back to type and start to get nasty.


Fact is he's unlikely to let you go until he finds some other poor person to latch on to. Stay strong. Keep remembering everything he has put you through. Keep reading your journal.

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