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Heartbroken at loss of grandmother


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My grandmother passed away a few days ago. She was very elderly but she was such a strong, spirited, inspirational woman. I'm devastated. I went back to work today but cried my way through it and now feel worse that my colleagues have seen me so vulnerable. She was such a huge part of my life, my childhood. We were so close and while I feel accepting that she is gone, I still feel such pain and grief at her loss. I feel that people think I should be getting over it and that the grief of a grandparent shouldn't be so severe but I absolutely adored her and miss her presence already. Has anyone else experienced this?

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People do not feel that you should be "getting over" it already. Everyone grieves at their own pace. If you feel yourself breaking down at work, take a break and get a cup of coffee or go for a short walk. And then get back to work.


If this is the first death you have had in your life, it can be a bit overwhelming.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, honey, your grandmother will always have a special place in your heart. You will get through it, but never over it so to speak. Suggest a book entitled "

Tear Soup". It is available on Amazon. It will help you with your feelings....help you to understand your feelings. :subdued: chi

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I really understand what you're feeling.


I absolutely adored my Nonna, and I still think of her - 15 years after her death - with enormous affection and sometimes sadness. She loved me unconditionally, and it was a gift.


I didn't feel quite the devastation you do (she died at 95, and had been in a nursing home for about 3 years), but when she went there was a huge hole in my life.


Don't imagine what other people think. People know that death causes grief, and most people would understand the importance of a grandmother.


Take some time off. Be gentle with yourself, and understand that you'll feel grief for some time to come.

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