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New to dating...nervous


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Ok well I'm 19 and I just broke up with my LD boyfriend of 2 years. It is still really hard but there have been guys who are interested and have asked me out, but I'm nervous. I don't really know what to do on a date with a guy I dont know. Its a new experience for me, and I need some advice.

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Well, you should just go out and try to have fun, without trying to hard at doing anything else.


I look at there really being two principal kinds of dates. One kind on which you talk to the person and try to learn about them and just enjoy the company, and the other kind on which you do something fun together, say you went bowling. A third kind would be those on which you go to see some form of entertainment, without doing anything else, i.g. you just go to a movie. These can be mixed together.


Avoid dates if you can of only the third kind. To go on a date to watch a movie and then part ways afterward begs the question of why you went with that person, you did not talk to or interact with them at all.


When you go on a talking date, just be yourself and talk. Try to listen as much as you talk and make soem eye contact when your date speaks.


When you are doing something fun, just have fun. You being yourself and enjoying that is the best thing you can do to get a second date. Getting a second date and figuring out if you want it, are the two toher objectives besides having fun.

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  • 3 weeks later...
It is still really hard but there have been guys who are interested and have asked me out, but I'm nervous.


I don't really know what to do on a date with a guy I dont know.

Its a new experience for me, and I need some advice.


Look, a guy asked you out. You liked him and agreed. So he will come up with something cuz he is the one who is aske you out. I dont think you have to think or worry about "what to do" question. It is mostly guy's responsibility.

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Just relax, be yourself, and try to have a good time. The more nervous you are, the more likely that you will say or do something you'll regret. But if you stay calm and focus on having fun, things will go fine. Talk to each other and get to know each other. Don't worry about how to act, what to do, or if your making a good impression. If you are yourself and the guy likes you, he will show interest. From there, things will work out.

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