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Just need a little feed back on something that happened to me tonight and what I can do or say.


Okay, I was over at my cousin sisters house visiting my niece. I told my girlfriend that I was going over their to visit. We don't live together, but I let her know I would be over their. I knew she wouldn't respond right away because she is working. So I'm their with my niece talking spending time. After being their for awhile I notice I missed a call. I called it back. It wasn't my girlfriends phone number,

It was her friend's but didn't know when I called it. So I ask if someone called she said no. I ask who it was she said I don't you called me. I said okay I'm sorry I called the wrong number. So we hung up. Then my girlfriend text and this is what she :

Tried to get a hold of you. Was on my break.

So I said did you call me from your friends phone?? I called it back but who ever answered said no one called my phone. So I said okay I'm sorry and hung up...

She texts me and says: It's fine I'm at work, bye. So I respond and said: I'm sorry Babe I did call the number back. I was with my niece.. And that's was how it ended. So I don't know if she's mad or what is going on. Just seems like it shouldn't be something she should be mad about. So what can I do or say? Need help with this. Thank you.

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You're overreacting. This doesn't sound like she's mad at all. Maybe you see it as she was short with you, but she's at work. She's busy and doesn't have time to send fluffy texts. Take it with a grain of salt.


What I find more concerning is why you think she's mad? Is everything else in your relationship ok? Does she tend to get mad easily or do you feel like walking on eggshells when it concerns her?

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