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Can't figure out friend's sexuality

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For the past 2 years, I've had a quasi-crush on this girl from high school. We met through PE class and became friends easily. I never really persued my semi-crush on this girl though because I was dating someone else, but that relationship is over now. I would try to see if she's interested now, but for all I know, she's straight. She also doesn't know that I'm bi, since I'm only out with my family.

Well, I hadn't seen this girl from high school in a few months since I'm a year older than her, and I'm now in college (but at a nearby school). But she and I, and another member from our track team had hung out a few times over the summer, and we wanted to continue getting together but we got busy with school, work, etc.

So this past Friday, I had a "Margaret Cho watching get together"/girls night and she was invited. So she was surrounded by my most liberal and pro-gay friends, watching some of the gayest comedy ever, and she didn't seem to mind. She thought most of it was funny, and wanted to get together again to watch more sometime. Aside from that, while in track, she bonded with two bisexuals on the team (me and our friend "J"). She's also in band and I hear that the girls in the music wing at my old high school are all pretty experimentative.

However, she does have one big thing going against her...she's a republican, and a Bush supporter. So while LGBT republicans do exist, I know they're pretty rare.

But considering all of this, how do I continue going about finding out what her sexuality is? Or should I even try considering her political ties? However, I should mention that before I asked her if she was a republican, we had talked quite a bit about politics and she seemed to agree with me on most points...that's why I was totally shocked when she said she was a Bushie. But anyway, how should I go about this?

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ok first off ......Bi Chicks are........damn hot ...but hang out wiht her a bit more see if u can find anything more out if not just play around like girls do and then id ask her what are her view on Bi ppl and stuff.......if shes for it then start to pursue her.....maybe let her know after a while that youre Bi who knows things could heat up

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Well I plan on hanging out with her more anyway, since we are friends. And I do get plenty of oppurtunities to talk to her online...it's just like, how do I broach the subject of possible bisexuality? Won't it seem kind of strange if all of a sudden I'm like, "So what do YOU think about LGBT people?" I just don't know how to do it...that's why I was hoping that the Margaret Cho party would give her some hints...but I don't know if she caught on. Who knows. Do I just need to tell her I'm bi, but in a not so direct manner?

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ok first off ......Bi Chicks are........damn hot

LOL you are such a guy! And so am I, thereforeeee I agree.


You know what I'd do if I was in your situation? I'd find out how this person feels about homosexuality and bisexuality. If they are fine with it and I wanted to tell them, then I'd just tell them. But not in any gym locker room because that could lead to a serious After School Special moment that I can do without.


If they're not ok with it, I'd have a hard time confessing. Politics suck, and I never discuss it with anyone because it can lead to so many arguments. You say she's a Bush Supporter (Man, I could take that as a gay joke to the house, but I'll leave it alone... but why should that stop you. I do not like Bush... the president, that is... but a friend of mine is a big Bush supporter. We never talk politics because we know where that's going to lead. Basically what I'm saying is just go up and say that you're bi. If she says, "me too" or "I'm 100% homosexual" then your foot is in the door. If she doesn't give you any clues after that, then you've got nothing to go on. Either way, I hope it works out for you. I can imagine how tough it is having a crush on someone who you are not sure can even like you like that because of their sexuality.

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haha i know exactly where you're coming from, in a similar situation.. but with a girl i just met... its a pretty difficult subject to broach, and I can see how the Bush thing would scare you away!


my advice is just try to be as good friends with her as you can, its the surest way to knowing the most about her.

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