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Does it help or does it hinder

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So I realize that being on this forum sometimes helps me when it comes to my break up but most of the time it just reminds me of the pain I was feeling almsot 2 months ago I was wondering does anyone else feel this way...ill be fine all day long then ill get on here to see what everyone is talking about and when I get to break ups or relationship I dont get sad but I have a quick flash back...anyone else?

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It's that little voice inside your head - the one that reminds you of what you had, what you lost, how you messed it up, etc, etc.....



We all hear that voice from time to time (whatever the trigger may be). What we need to do is to learn how to make that voice quiet. The minute it starts going off in your head - grab it & yell at it to HUSH!


Then you refocus that voice into reminding you of the things you learned through this experience, the strength you didn't even know you had, etc...


In other words, focus on the positives of your situation, and remember that,moving forward, you will be much better prepared for whatever life decides to give you

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I understand your concern OP, however based on my own experience going here keep me sane. By reading through others experiences and thoughts you get the sense that your not alone and your normal enough to feel all this kind of emotions and actions. Of course, its sad that we all struggle and undergo to painful times... That is why its good to hear about success moving on stories which I am thankful that exist still. Gives you hope that someday, just someday we'll be able to move on.

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