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Should I get rid of all of our memories?

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We were together for 3 years, broke up about 3 months ago but we've only just gone into NC.


I know he still cares about me and I still care about him but it's best that the relationship ends. He's handling it better than I am though I think.


Anyway obviously after 3 years of being together we've obviously got a lot of keepsakes and photographs of us together, pictures from our holidays and school trips that we went on together. I know that I'm going to have to store it all in a box and just keep them as memories out of sight so that I don't have the urge to look at them. But I'm just worried that even keeping them is going to prevent me from moving on? Like in the future when I find someone else I'm going to have to get rid of them then and I don't think I'll want to.

I don't want to erase him completely, I want to keep the memories because otherwise it'll seem like a waste of time and I know I'll regret throwing them away.

But should I? I don't know.


I know that he's kept all the memories that he has of me, he has a box of memories in his wardrobe in his room. But should I throw mine away?

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I think it's best to put everything in a box and store it in the deepest corner of your attic out of sight. Wrap the box in as much tape as possible so if you were to ever open it then it would take a real effort.


I think destroying everything, especially the photographs would not be a good idea. Although the relationship with this person may have ended, this is still three years of your life. As you say there are pictures of you on holidays and trips that I'm sure you don't want to forget about.


When you are ready to move on in time you still don't have to get rid of them, as long as they have remained in that tightly taped box in the deepest darkest corners of the attic. Your new partner shouldn't care and I am sure they will have history too that they haven't gotten rid of.


I say all this from personal experience as I went on some incredible trips with my ex. Although there are lots of photos of us together I would hate to lose those images that remind me of the places I have traveled so far in life.

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Put them in a box and maybe give them to a close friend to keep? So they will be out of your sight. I put all my things in my closet where i can't see them. You might also feel like you will regret throwing it away now because you are not over him yet. Once you are over him you probably won't care because you will have moved on.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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