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I was really kicked while i was down after being with my X girlfriend Vanessa, in short things went bad and we broke up. The pain from this killed me alot because i hate being alone. months went by and finally Im talking to my friend Alyx whos friend Anna saw my pic and said i was cute, while shortly after i got her sn and we talked on the phone and immediately loved each other. Soon after we met and realized we still had strong feelings for each other so i asked her out and she said yes! Everything was going great no problems no Bs but something lacked i had never kissed her or anything at all in no way did i get a move on her. im use to getting a lot from girls and giving them a lot too but this one doesnt seem to want me to make moves on her. For some reason this hurts me a lot its like she doesnt trust me. The worst part is i could never leave her i love her to much. So now i am stuck and turning to you all the public at enotalone to help out. Here is the scoop i tried communication with her and made some progress. She said she has let some guys do crazy things but then proceeds to talk about how her and her girlfriends stripped on home video....kinna random so she isnt doing crazy things with guys but instead decides to somewhat tapdance around the subject. I let her know that pretty much in a nice way that i will not make a move i just wont do it i will not be pushed away well not pushed just not allowed to kiss her. I told her if she wants to see that side of me she has to do something. The thing is i would have no prob is she made out with me every now and then but I get NOTHIN!!!! Absoulutly nothin she doesnt even kiss me goodbye or hello... ive held her hand and hugged her goodbye. One interesting problem with this is that she trusts me in her space zone becasue she leans on me at the movies and carresses my hand. IT is killing me inside that i have all these feelings for her and nothing to do with them yeah sure i feel great every time the phone rings and its her and when im with her and how she tells me she loves me and to never leave her but what is this about. Is she prude? Does she not like me? What am i to do? Do i get another gf? Do i get a friend with benefits...? I'm so confused ive never had this problem. Besides this Everythimg is fantastic but it hurts to see other couples making out an me walking around with her not even hand and hand. My friends couldnt even tell that she was my gf they had to ask her where everyone else is holding hands kissing im there looking like a Tool! Enotalone and its memebers please help me

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First off, if you think you could never leave her you've got a problem. Especially since you're so young. You need to have your own life made before you go taking on another.

I dont think her unwillingness to be affectionate is a sign of distrust. She's probably just nervous or shy. Just because shes made out with you doesnt mean shes comfortable enough to kiss you when she likes, making out on occasion like that is a moment of comfort and intimacy that may not be present all the time. Kissing her respectfully, hugging her, and such would not be a bad idea, it would help her be more comfortable returning such signs. Just dont expect anything more then a kiss or a hug, and dont draw it out.


Another girlfriend is an idea only if you dont see this relationship going anywhere. A friend with benefits is never a good idea in my opinion. And im sure she likes you, she just needs time.

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Sure, she could be a prude, but ya gotta respect that in this day and age. She has self-control - don't take it personally. So I know it seems like everyone's making out all over the place, but think about what's more important -- she's your girl, right? She loves you? She wants to be with you? You think she's great? That's a whole lot more than some people have in their lives.


I agree with Midvalley - take it slow with her. If she's shy about holding hands in public, you can still put your hand on her back every now and then, she'd probably like that. Be a gentleman. Kiss her on her cheek, forehead, top of her head. Even her hand. There are a whole lot of ways to be creative and affectionate. When she finally does let you kiss her on the mouth, just think, you'll *know* that she trusts you then.

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