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Need assurance, advice, or thoughts on this.


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So after two days of no contact, my ex starts talking to me.. a general chat..


Nothing in particular of interest, just saying how are you and how is everything.

I asked her if she had another reason to contact me, she said no, just wanted to know if I was alive.

It was all good, and then I wished her goodnight and hope she had a good one, for some reason it didn't seem like she wanted to leave, despite acting like she was going to bed any second..


In any case, as a final goodbye for the night, she said that she hopes I have a great new year, and she knows i'll probably find a girl at a new year party that i'll enjoy and meet.


This irritated me, because our breakup was my mistake (i lashed out on her, as i was resenting her due to past issues of what she did to me, and even included that i was gonna date a fake girl, which I apologized for all of this and told her why I acted the way I did, this was a week ago , I also told her I would like to have her back if possible and regret what I said with the bottom of my heart; no begging was involved.)


So I just replyd with


"goodnight _______


(this was all in a chatting service).


When I left I went for a walk.. to think..

Came back and went back online, to see she was offline with saying "that sounded harsh"


Anyways, did i do the right thing? Feel like I showed bitterness, but.. I kinda was..

. I actually felt it was rude that she said that to me herself.. Like kinda throwing the breakup in my face, ;/, was she? Am I overthinking?



Thoughts??? should I apologize, or should I just play it off like It wasn't my goodbye wasn't mean that way, and tell her so?

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The way it sounds is as if she's either trying to force herself to just act as your friend by acting like she doesn't care if you meet someone else (I've acted similarly so that's why I kinda took it that way)


Or, which seems realistic as well, she might have been trying to kind of throw it in your face a little? There might still be some bitterness there? It's never good to assume things though and you might just be overthinking it. If you care to get into it it'd be in your best interest to talk it out with her, see what she meant by it. If you don't care to go any further with it than maybe just don't talk to her any more?


Not very good advice haha, sorry. Wish you the best of luck!

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Nah, any advice is helpful. I thank you for it. I do care for her completely, however she isn't a person that's easy to talk to. One of our ongoing issues was her lack of communication. She would like to burrow herself and hide her feelings then showing them. It was something we've been working on when together and shes improved a lot, but still reverts to.

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My ex was like that as well so I get how difficult it can be to try to communicate a problem when someones initial response is to shut down. If you have been working on it and she's getting better at it, maybe gently explain how her comment upset you and you want to know if it was a dig at you meant to hurt, or if she meant something else and its a misunderstanding. At worst she'll avoid answering and you'll be where you are now, at best you'll talk about it!

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