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issue with new friend


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Over these past few months at school I've became very close with one of my classmates.


She's a really cool girl, seems to be a good friend. There's a huge issue though, that I've started noticing lately, that makes it darn near impossible to hang out with her.


She over talks everyone. You literally cannot get a sentence out with out her interrupting. She's from the south, so I don't know if it's a cultural thing, but it is starting to get annoying. Her and her boyfriend came over and hung out with me and my boyfriend, and the first thing my bf said when they left "she's cool, but jesus she loves to interrupt people!"


This issue makes it mission impossible to hold a conversation with her without her overtaking the whole convo. I was thinking I should maybe mention something about it to her, maybe she doesn't even realize she's doing it? She does it with everyone. Teachers, classmates, friends, her boyfriend. It's to the point now where I'm not sure I want to hang out with her outside of school anymore unless she slows down on the constant interrupting.

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Its simple, you say to her. Can you stop for a minute, i wasn't finished with my sentence. And tell her its rude to just talk straight through someone elses sentences. And if she doesn't stop, you also don't stop with your sentence, while she is talking you also just keep talking and disregard her talking.

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