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leading girls on, i have a gf

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SO, I kind of have this tendency to lead girls on even though I have a girlfriend. I didn't really realize what I was doing until a little while ago, as I just viewed them as friends. I can't just stop being friends with them either, hahaha, i havent been able to bring myself to it. Is this unfair to my girlfriend? Should I stop being friends with them? Or am I a-okay?

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I would say that you're a-ok...as long as you let the other girls know that you want friendship only (hence not leading them on) and as long as you know for sure that you will not have the urge to be more then friends with any of them while you are still with your gf. There is nothing wrong with having friends of the opposite sex while also having a romantic partner just so long as there are boundries and no one gets their feelings hurt.

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there is a fine line with what is appropriate behavior with friends of the opposite sex. There needs to be some kind of boundaries but those are typically established between the friends themselves. When a person is interested in you or likes you then it is a lot easier for them to say that you are leading them on because they are looking for some indicator that you like them or are interested in them. If you feel that the things you do with your female friends is innocent and just friendly then thats just what you see as appropriate. That doesnt mean that others will think its appropriate its just the way you treat you female friends.

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Doesn't sound like you're leading them on...if you're just nice and they hit on you but you don't pursue them then you're not doing anything wrong. However, if your gf found out they were hitting on you she might be mad because she might feel threatened. But if that comes up, just let her know what you just told us, that you don't hit on them or pursue these girls because you don't want to mess up your relationship.

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