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Psychics and destiny?

top bloke

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I have always believed that we make our future by our decisions. So I am after some clarification on psychics and psychic readings. They will tell you what they tune into or receive information but I cannot help but feel that what they say is not written in stone despite even having a level of skill. If we have any psychics here I would love to hear your perspective or anyone else who has looked at this.

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I have already expounded on this elsewhere, but can't find that earlier thread right now, sorry. The fact is psychics are either frauds or in the rare case where they aren't like my dear grandmother they'll bluntly tell you it's an ability that is clumsy and uncooperative at best. Even if you can foresee something a) it's just one possible outcome b) no one is good enough to get all details of something dead on to the point you could follow it as a road map c) there are a lot of fakes out there b) half of psychic phenomena doesn't even make sense or is open to interpretation d) there are a lot of fakes out there.


Remember the film "The Gift" and how Cate Blanchett's character could see some things, but not enough to put all the pieces together--not even able to see enough to realize who the killer was? Yeah, it's like that. And that's if it's genuine and the "psychic" will be honest about that. My grandmother could sometimes see things or have dreams come true, but she was rather contemptuous of it all when I tried to talk to her about what it would take to have her abilities. She actually told me, "Well, fat lot of good it does me when it only shows me bits and pieces. Take up sewing kid, you'll get better results."


So yeah, I have intuition, but we all have that. And that's made up of our mind processing information faster than we can consciously break it down. The author of the book "The Gift of Fear" actually addresses that rather brilliantly. It's not psychic though. And the thing with psychic predictions is they always have a 50-50 percent chance of being right or wrong anyways. Lots of times I suspect it's just throwing stuff at a wall and seeing what sticks.


In short, even if it's real it's not actually going to help you. Hone your intuition, look for red flags, get out and live life. That will bring you closer to what you're seeking than any psychic prediction ever will.


And per my own experiences and observations no destiny is ever written in the stars or stone. I'm more of the mind of the Terminator 2 quote: There's no fate, but what we make for ourselves.

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Parispaulette I agree with you 100%. I have also developed my intuition more in recent years and recently bought a pendulum and I was asked a question about something they wanted to know. I grounded myself and several times for the same question I got a clear no. I also alternated different questions and received the same answers for those several times. In the meantime my friend had seen a professional psychic and her answer on that question was exactly opposite which makes me think that she is hog wash or I got it wrong. I stepped back from the situation and realised that life is what we make it by choice and that most claimed psychics are fakes. Im just an average guy who has taken an interest over the years so I am saying my results exactly as I found them and consistently so.

Overall if people find their own direction psychic or not then that is a good thing. But still using common sense looking at red flags and using our own and their own intuition are decisions each soul can make of free will. I think you have validated confirmed a few things for me so I thank you

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