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A question for you guys. But anyone please do comment with opinions about this if you will.


I am wondering what most guys think about this for women. I did read about this from another forum at this site. But I would like to know again directly.


What do you guys think about breast implants? Do you prefer that women not have breast implants because it's unnatural? Do you prefer large breasted women with implants, or small breasted/flat chested women with breasts all her own?



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depends on how flat your talking about. if its really flat..i'd say ya, i'd like the implants.


hate to sound shallow but its the truth. one girl i was kinda dating seriously had zero chest..and it was very unattractive to me...cause..well it just was.


but if you got something decent, i'd prefer you stick w/ that.

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The only opinion i can give is mine, but here it is. I used tobe totally against it, but opinion now is if the girl/woman wants it and it makes her feel better about herself then i am kewl with it, if she is doing it to please her man .... i personally think that is silly. I can't asking or being asked to do that....... Personally I say leave them alone, but that's my own opinion. I think its personal preference. But a guy into BIG BOOBS might have different opinon. Not my forte' LOL

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I know Im a female, but I wanted to reply.


I do not have breast implants myself, I was blessed from my mother's side, but I have absalutely no problem with women who choose to get them. I could see how some would feel less feminine with small chests. However, I had never felt one before.


I work with a girl who has them, and while in the bathroom recently, she had me feel one to see what I thought. You could literally feel the sac of silicone. It was quite creepy. I think they look great, but didn't feel very cool.


That's just my 2 cents. lol.

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Hmm, I would never ever get breast implants. Perhaps it's different because I don't need them, but I honestly think I would feel too fake. Besides, you have to be comfortable in your own skin, nowadays it seems like every woman is trying to make herself out to be the typical Barbie doll - Blonde hair, a slim waist, and big boobs.

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Well of course they don't "feel real" but I don't have anything against women who have them done (though it is weird when they are mega huge and obvious). Personally I was blessed with enough (34C, used to be a small D) for me but I do love my breasts, and feel if someone wants them, power to them! And actually when I am older (after kids and all) I will likely get my boobs "lifted" against the powers of gravity that take their toll over time, and that usually involves implants as well.

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I believe that Ron Jeremy said it best If women choose to get breast implants then they should get them when they get older. If you get breast implants when you are in your 20's they will need to be replaced in your 30's. Typically in your twenties gravity hasnt taken too much of an effect but there are certain exceptions. There are plenty of alternatives for breast implants silicon, saline even body fat from certain body parts. The key is to do your research and get a doctor with a good reputation and that mean not settling for a cheap boob job. Personally im not a boob man myself, although a girls boobs should fit her body type and be within somekind of reason. I am not opposed to them at all, I have had experiences with them and they dont feel like normal boobs but they can look a lot better. Its a judgement call on your part. I doubt that a guy wouldnt date you because you had breast implants so getting them should be more of a personal thing than a guys opinion about them.

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this always makes me think of robin williams on broadway- anyone see it? the part about where a guy asks his gf to get them, and she replies ok, but only if you get your balls done- and i want big ole voigt basketball ones...sorry, crude moment but it's hilarious.


i think in the right circumstances (cancer, absolutely no chest where it hurts esteem) they're fine, but i know a lot of people who get them for the wrong reasons (to get a man) and think that it will instantly make them more confident or fix whatever issues they have when in fact, it makes those issues worse and it becomes a vicious cycle

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First off, flower, if you're asking because you're thinking about getting them or something then I have one piece of advice: stop worrying about what other people want and decide what YOU want.


This question is nothing but personal preference. You can't say guys love breast implants, because a lot of guys don't. You also can't say guys hate them because a lot of guys don't. Some guys actually LIKE flat-chested girls. (I have a friend who doesn't even have to wear a bra because her chest is so small, but she's very happily married and has a wonderful sex life with her husband.) Some guys won't give you a second look unless you're at least a DD. (I, for one, would have to wonder...if a guy is so worried about cup size, is he really worth dating?)


*Any* woman considering getting breast implants (or any other form of cosmetic surgery) needs to think about what would make *her* happy. Then, any man who is worth her time will be happy with her decision.

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I agree with Amethyst.

If a man loves you for who you are, it should not matter if you're an A or a DD, they'll want to be close to you, not them.

I've never been a big advocate for plastic surgery unless it's used for a good reason. But IMO, people who do it strictly for cosmetic reasons have larger confidence issues than a trip under the knife will help them with.

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My breasts are tiny (too small for a bra) and I love them. I think they look delicate and sweet.


Im not opposed to breast implants if someone really wants them. If it makes them feel beeter that's fine.


But for me they would be wrong. If implants were more technologically developed to look natural (at the moment they look fairly fake) and they didn't have so many health issue (rupture, replacement, hardening,silicone leaking into body) then maybe I would consider them one day. However the way implants are at the moment, no way. I couldn't stand having plastic in my body which may have health implications and feeling fake.

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I was blessed with a natural 38DD and I HATE MY BOOBS!!! I mean.. sometimes I love them... when my bf and I are fooling around but I hate them.. I am only 24 and gravity has deffinitly taken effect... makes me so depressed... and all the back problems.. why would woman want such big boobs?


I do wish that I could get mine fixed so they dont have that gravity problem.. its embarrassing but apparently my bf loves them the way they are...


So breast implants really feel creepy? I never would have thought.. but i also agree they do look really really good... not HUGE ones though.. probably a D is what I think looks great

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I say, be happy with what you have. Your breast size isn't going to change the person you are inside, and its who you are on the inside that really matters. A guy should love you for you, not your breasts. Do what makes you happy, don't do it because of anyone else's opinions. Society places more importance on having big breasts then they should, it doesn't really matter.

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Gads I have to commend all of you for all of your replies. An excellent discussion for me because yes, I am thinking, no actually intending to get them.


What I will reply to first is Yorkrose. Yip! I do have a confidence issue. I am finding it difficult to be satisfied with the small breasts I have. I would feel more feminine with a bit larger. You see, I spent many of my over 4 decades of living just as some who replied do. "NO way!" "No unnatural material in me!" "Ich, big boobs?


What; is it that society is too fixated on the suckling stage?" LOL!


Actually, Dr. Christianne Northrup mentions this in one of her books. That if society, in America or who knows where, weren't fixated on breasts because of lack of being breastfed and soothed enuf like this early as a baby, they wouldn't be so fixated on big breasts! LOL


But I am in my 4th decade of living, close to my 5th. And I am ready to finally have breasts. My husband says he likes my breasts and me the way I am. We have good sex and continue to work to have good times in bed. I work out and want to feel feminine and as attractive as possible while I still can the next 1-2 decades of my life. I will feel better about myself when I do.


But I want to have breasts. While I'm not completely flat, I'm just to d*** small. " 'Scuse the explicative.


But I really truly appreciate all of your comments opinions. You all are great and you have helped.


Just can't stop LOL at the moment at some of your replies. To some of you, no, I don't plan to get a GG size. LOLLOLLOL, just a regular "what I would have wanted to have to feel feminine and attractive, is all.

Got a doc in mind who I hear is reputable. Now I just gotta find the $4,800 to do it!


Thanks all so much.



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And for a last thought,


Actuallyafter thinking about it, I don't know if confidence is the real issue here. I think I'd feel more sexy with bigger breasts, and implants is the way for me to feel better about my figure.


For Yorkrose to have said that people have confidence issues may be true in part, but it is also pretty much a generalization which puts all people who use any cosmetics at all in a box.


Anyone who uses make-up, dresses up real nice and gets haircuts could be said in this case to have a confidence issue. So you see how rediculous the statement is that implants, which is merely a cosmetic procedure to alter physical appearance has to do with confidence issues is rediculous


Thanks again all who replied.



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Actuallyafter thinking about it, I don't know if confidence is the real issue here. I think I'd feel more sexy with bigger breasts, and implants is the way for me to feel better about my figure.


But, don't you see that *reinforces* the point rather than contradicting it? You say it will make you "feel more sexy" and "feel better about [your] figure". Since self-confidence is, by definition, feeling good about yourself, that DEFINITELY falls under the *self-confidence* category.

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I can attest to the fact that many years of my life were spent enjoying the fact that I did not have big breasts. It was easier to work out and enjoy activities where large busted women may have problems. Never too weighty. I had a good figure and got compliments.


But, I think you may be right though when saying it is a compensatory act.

But still...it would at least help me experience what it's like to have larger breasts. Again, I am not getting GG cups, you know.


Why would you say it's a matter of confidence when I also just want to experience what it's like to have larger boobs?


If confidence is how you define what I say, it's really much more than just a timid lack of confidence. I am boldly saying I would like to look what I think is more sexy. Although my husband likes me just fine now.


So, I don't know. I guess I could look into this motivation more to learn by.


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Why would you say it's a matter of confidence when I also just want to experience what it's like to have larger boobs?


Unless I missed something, no one said it was the *ONLY* issue. (I know I certainly didn't.) It's just a large part of it.


I mean, come on, would you actually be going to get implants if the ONLY reason were so you could "experience what it's like to have bigger boobs"? Somehow, I doubt it. But, if the ONLY reasone were so that you could "feel sexy" and "feel better" about yourself, you might well go ahead and get them. That, in itself, shows confidence is the *bigger* issue.

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