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Turning someone down...

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Not sure where this should go but...


The guy that I like just asked me to go with him to Winter Formal and taken completely by surprise, I said that I wasn't sure if I was gonna go yet... when I most likely will. He told me to think about it and well, things were a little bit awkward for the rest of the day (since we ARE friends and hang around basically the same people). I've never actually been asked out and I'm completely new to all of this.


Even though I like him, and apparently vice versa, I just think that it'll make things kinda weird at this point...

I would rather just go with a bunch of friends, no one really there 'together' and yeah, just go from there. How do I say this, still 'turning him down', and yet not make him think that I don't like him at all?

Any advice?

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How do I say this, still 'turning him down', and yet not make him think that I don't like him at all?


If u like him, yet want to turn him down, then its a good idea to let him know that u like him. turning him down without letting him know would lead to problems later on. If you do like him, and are probably willing to go out with him later down the road in life, then tell him that yes, you like him too, but you would rather go to this particular dance just with a bunch of friends, and he is welcome to join.


also, could u make clear ur feelings fer this guy plz?

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If you like him and he apparently likes you, then why don't you want to go? Is it that your nervous and scared? Those feelings are normal, expecially if you've never been asked out before. The best way to get over those feelings is to just go out with him and go through the experience. If it's awkward, that's okay. It won't be as bad as you might think and you'll have gained the experience and will be less nervous in the future.


If you still don't feel comfortable going with him, that's fine too. Don't do anything you are not ready to do. Be honest and tell him exactly how you feel. Say that you do like him and would probably go out with him in the future, but you aren't ready right now and need some time to get used to the idea.

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