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Shyness a social phobia or just a part of your personality?

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I've seen the commercials on TV about Paxil and the chemical imbalance someone can have in there brain that causes social anxiety but couldn't shyness also be a part of your personality?


I can be so shy at times in public, but when I'm around "comfortable" places or people I know or if I'm in a positive mood I tend to be more outgoing. Plus when I'm on the phone talking to friends or people I've just met, I can be really open and not be shy at all, so I really wonder at times if shyness or being timid is just a part of my personality or if its really a psychological problem.

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Of course shyness could be part of your personality!

As a nutritionist, one thing that reallly ticks me off is when people start going on medication for every little problem they encounter. Some people are just more shy than others, and that is perfectly normal.

I myself get shy around strangers, but when I'm with friends I can't shut up. Please don't assume there is anything medically wrong just b/c you are a little shy.

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it depends on the severity of your "shyness". some people are so afraid of social contact that they have actual physical side affects to it, or find it hard to leave their homes. If you feel that you are overly shy, and need help with this in order to maintain your daily life, please consult a professional.

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I don't think being shy is a disease I think its more of who the person is. Everyone is shy at one point in their lives. I'm a very shy person and its difficult for me to socialize with people. Instead of turning to medication I faced my problems and have begun to talk with people more and be more independent..so I think you are who you choose to be whether your shy or outgoing, I think eveyone has the ability to make somthing better of themselves and slowly learn how to cope with there shyness/problems.

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Shyness is only a problem if you actually panic at the idea of meeting or talking to people. Otherwise, its just apart of your personality. I get really annoyed when I hear people say that shyness is a problem that has to be overcome. Instead of looking at it as a negative and something to change, think of it as another facet of you. Everything about us makes us the unique individual we are. It's not a matter of overcoming shyness, its a matter of incorporating it into your daily life. Learn when its good to be shy and when you need to be more outgoing. I'm very shy normally. But when it comes to my classes or work, I'm going to speak out. Nothing is wrong with being shy and it certainly isn't something that requires medication.

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