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Getting back together? problem still getting to me.


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Me and my gf have been going out for 3 years now and we just broke up last friday and today i saw her at college asked her to dinner.


So here's the past.


Recently one of her guy friends told her he likes her and I asked her about it she said his cute but only sees him as a friend and still loves me. I was happy but then she says she considers his feelings, he feels bad when he sees us together and she doesn't want to hurt him. So she wont kiss or hug infront of him, idc about kissing infront of him but she treats me more like a strange friend infront of her friends, his there too. Now this guy is a selfish a-hole his known we've been dating for 3 years and then he tells her. Shes very kind and I love her with all I've got. But what i hated was shes ignorant about it I told her how I felt about the guy and his a bad person ruining our relationship on purpose. By that I mean his not giving distance or trying to get over her, I talked to him nicely not threatening or anything more like a request infront of her and he said he understands He didnt distance and i ignored it. Till Last thursday he calls her while shes with me and asked her to go to the gym. What kind of selfish d*** does that? Who asks another dudes girlfriend to gym who admitted he likes her and knows how I feel about it too. What ticked me off was she got mad at me for talking to him on the phone because i was being a nice bf and I thought something happened so I told him he can come over if he wants to. No i never get angry at her and shes the angry one in the relationship.


Now instead of dinner because of her schedule I'm taking her to breakfast. I'm trying to forget about it and if she doesn't try to commit I think that's it for me. I was 100% committed i changed my ways for her when she got jealous of my girls who were just friends I pushed them away. She can't understand how I feel though about one guy. Yes i trust her but his a bad person I want her to be happy, but I feel like he'll ruin everything we have. Yes we have some minor problems but that's not what ruined our relationship, I'm fixing those. For example i have adhd and i dont listen all the time or we cant do anything outdoors because her parents want her home by 10 pm that is if they let her go out in the first place.


She told me she talked to him and he'll distance. She won't let me confront him, shes considering a friend over me who she only met 1 year ago. Yes I'm getting the jest of her having feelings for him but she always comes back to me whicb makes me think she loves me but now idk. I think I'll end it permanently if she doesnt commit after a month of dating. Now for a 21 year old shes too nice to her friends but it seems shes comfortable with losing me tho... right? I don't want to listen to my friends, even tho they like her, they think shes a bad girlfriend. I love her so much and this is my first serious relationship. She told me she finds these relationships trial and error at this rate she might just end up alone. Im going to a school counselor in about a week because she seems to be the perfect girl for me so I'm trying my best to fix things.


She also started telling me shes losing feelings. I can't do much because her parents are too strict we live in a shi**y area nothing to do around here. Ive taken her to one too many movies or out to eat.


What do I do? Any advice? Anything romantic I can do?

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"Who asks another dudes girlfriend to gym who admitted he likes her and knows how I feel about it too. "


The kind of dude that's been led to think its okay.


You need to start walking. And when she comes crying down the road for you, you need to keep on walking. This is not long term relationship material.

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