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she wrote me an email that broke me into little pieces


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For those who saw my topic "I don't understand!" she wrote me an email.....




I am just e-mailing u 2 tell u that i dont like u (plz dont take it in a

mean way). Thanks for the gift, it was very thoughtful.


from, sarah"


I wrote to her and told her how I feel and that I have been trying to talk to her...I told why I like her etc...if I were a bit more stupid I would shoot myself right now....



i care about this girl so much..she is different from every other girl..shes beautiful and smart...and not some....you know the word...i don't want to say it....should i still try?

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Okay well...I didn't see your last post...so I don't know how well you really know this girl. I'm not trying to be mean....but move on....you look really desperate writing to her telling her how you feel, and that's definitely not going to work no matter how hard you try. It's not going to make her like you, I'm sorry....I know you think just b/c you feel so much for her, she should feel the same for you....but that won't ever happen.

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Well I'll start by saying I didn't see your last post, i'm assuming you took the time to spell out your feelings to this girl and in return got that as a reply.


I think you should let it go, if thats the best she could reply to you (ie: a one line reply, and a poorly thought out one at that) then she's plain not interested, sorry if thats not what you want to hear.


Move on, there are millions of girls out there and whilst not every single one of them is going to want to go out with you, alot of them would at least give you more consideration than this girl did.


Just my opinion..

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I looked over your last post... I don't think this girl is being, you know, fair to you... She's kicking you to the curb. I know, cause I've been there But Cheer up, dude. Back when it was happening, I felt like I was falling appart too, but man, maybe I did, but I pulled myself together and the pieces must be on a different order, cause I'm a different person.


Anyway, I agree with the others. Just leave this behind you. She's not worth any more of your effort and time. Move on dude. There are tons of girls out there... You can do it, cause I did it too, lol. Wish I could like transmit the experience over to your head, but I can't... Sorry if I wasn't of much help. Good luck and best wishes.

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Okay looked at your last post and would still give the same advice. Let it go. It sucks but being burned is a part of life, it might hurt like hell now but you WILL get over it, like everything it gets better with time.


Its a cliche but through pain, misery, mistakes and bad circumstances you are forged into a better, stronger, more experienced person. You become wiser to the world and even though you feel like crap now- it makes you even hungrier for when the next opportunity comes around.

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Dating sometimes requires many rejections before you find the right person. It is just the nature of dating. You have to be able to move on at some point and try again. This girl is obviously not interested so the most you can do is learn from this and most importantly keep your head up.

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You sounded like a person with good intention. Learn something from it. If you don't want to get rejected as much, get to know the person better first, take action only when you feel it's the moment to do so. Usually when they show interest as well.


just a little hint drawn from my past mistake


Sometimes, we say they're the perfect girl, and even tell her that they're perfect. But imagine 4-5 guys say the same thing to her within the same year. How is she suppose to think you're different from them?

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i agree with all of you...but she is amazing...she's not the hottest girl ever thats why probably other guys go for other girls....i think im the only one who likes her....but she might like someone else...im so bummed out.....

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Well, often love is blind. I'm not saying this girl wasn't the best thing since sliced bread - at least from your current viewpoint, but I can absolutely guarantee that one day you will run into another person and they will be at least as wonderful, if not better. Actually, they will be far better - trust us!


I was in a similar situation just recently. But in this case the girl claimed to like me, just not in the way I was hoping. My loving feelings lasted 3 horrible, tortorous months after her rejection. In fact I think the only thing that helped my feelings to subside was talking to people here and getting an objective viewpoint on the situation. About a month ago I met another girl (who is only a friend and that is fine by me). But she just does caring things for me and gives me a lot of compliments - things that this first girl never ever did.


Then I actually did something rather odd. I got out a sheet of paper and wrote down all my feelings about the first girl, together with her good and bad points. Then when I actually looked at this document with objectivity, I realised that my love had completely gotten in the way my ability to determine her value to me as a person. That in fact, there really wasn't a whole lot to love about her afterall.


To be honest, one day you will sit down and objectively look at the reply she gave you. Then one day you will wake up and actually thank yourself a thousand times over that your relationship never got anywhere with her.


It might take another girlfriend or friend to make you realise this, but it will be an incredible weight off your shoulders when you do.


I never thought it was possible to fall out of love either, but I can tell you it is, and it is a tremendously liberating feeling when it happens!

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Ok sweetie, first of all: OUCH. What a wench, I know you don't like me to call her that, but that is the most tacky e-mail I have EVER read in my life. She couldn't even take the time to spell words, resorting to numbers. How lazy and spoiled.


Ok now that I am over that inital vent. I will say this: reading your last post, paints you as a very caring, devoted, honest person. It sounds cliche but, you can do soooo much better than her. Oh my gosh, you're how old? I'm 25, and I wish I could find someone as good as you to crush on me. Don't give her your time, on the other "break up" forum, No contact is a much liked rule. You have a scab now, so don't pick at it and make it bleed. Get to know other girls, and guys too. I get the vague impression you're still in Senior High...if you plan to go to college, do you have any IDEA the oppertunitues that await you? You could meet sooo many new people, you could do that NOW!


So you have this scar on your heart, as a nursing student, I know that scar tissue is tougher than regualr tissue, you're stronger now that this happened. You learned to maybe not devote your whole self to one girl you don't know even likes you. It may not seem like it now, but when the next time cometh, you can be wiser. I'm sorry that this happened the way it did for you. Every day you don't contact her/even think of her (try at least) will heal you.

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she wrote me an email today"




I am just e-mailing you back 2 answer ur questions. For starters, yes it would b pointless 2 try further because i dont like you. I dont like you that way because i am not really attracted 2 u and we dont really hav any common interests (try 2 take this is in a nice way). Secondly I dont think we could b friends either because like i said before in this e-mail we dont really hav any common interests (plz dont think of me as a mean person for me being frank with u).


from sarah



I said that we do have lots in common...she just has to think about it for a while...it's not something that will just pop outta nowhere....love is when you love someone despite and because of their flaws and differences...(i did not say this last part) Then I wished her a happy life and said bye....i guess she really is not who I wanted....by her last email i found out who she really is



she's not a mean person..just too frank lol

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Well i assume shes the same age as you, but bearing that in mind she certainly could have been more tactful in how she worded her replys to you.


Dont worry man, lifes full of ups and downs - you gotta take the good with the bad. Even the hardest times have good parts. The great thing about the bad stuff that happens in your life is it makes you really appreciate the good stuff when it comes to you. And dont worry- it will.


Just remember that.

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oh yeah...by the way...she looks kinda like Jennifer Aniston and people say that i sometimes look like Finch from American Pie (i might look like him but i have a different personality though lol....and the funny thing is that people who say that are like on tylenol 3

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You guys are right. There wil be others....I'm planning on going to University....my choice for my future career is space engineer...(i'm not a nerd) Thanks for the help


Hey, even if you are a nerd, who cares? If you love what you do, the girls can take it or leave it.


I just wanna chime in with everyone & let you know that, yes, your time and effort is pretty much better spent elsewhere than this girl. Her e-mails are a bit on the blunt side, but guess what, I don't see any room for mixed messages. How's that for seeing the glass as half full?

Seriously tho, a lot of guys torture themselves to no end trying to interpret the mixed signals they get from the things girls say to them.


Only time can really make you see your own situation more objectively, but I hope the support on this forum is at least giving you a nice headstart on the healing.

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Like everyone has said, move on and don't be upset by this girl. Obviously she is blind if she can't see what a good guy you are and what a could catch you'd be. You'll find someone alot better who will truly appreciate you.


And nerds are cool. We're the ones who are going to end up running this world you know. 8)

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She was very tacky in her replies. Ironically, I admire her honesty. There's nothing worse than someone NOT telling you they don't like you and just using you or hanging around you to do you some kind of favor. I've been in that situation a couple of times in my life where the guy was gorgeous, didn't really like me that much, but because I had a great body but not good enough face, they just used me for sex, or even worse wouldn't use me for sex, but do really mean things so I'd get rid of them first.


It's strange but sometimes you have to hide your love to get love. You're an open and honest person just like me and that scares people.

And by the way, it sounds like you're dealing with a really hot girl who probably gets a lot of attention. She doesn't even know if she really likes you or not, because she hasn't given you the time of day. Only a young and inexperienced girl would shoot herself in the foot like that.


I went to college with girls way prettier than me who would get guys numbers, get taken on expensive dates and just turn the guys down. They used these opportunities as a "free meal or movie" for college survival. I felt so sorry for these guys because they were being lied to.


She told you the truth - - the brutal truth. There's a song, I can't remember by who, but its something like "I Can't Make You Love Me if You Dont." It is so true. You can't make someone love you.


Every kind, decent, WOMAN wants a nice guy like you. Don't change and don't let this experience ruin you.



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I didn't read you last post yet, I will after I reply because I'm in a rush.


I didn't like the fact that she simply said she didn't like you. Anyone who puts in that way to me might as well play hopscotch on my scrotum. Kiddo, it's time to break away and get a new girl who will like you.


Is she the only one for you? Nope. Is she the last girl on Earth? Nope. Is she the only girl who's beautiful and smart? Nope. If there is nothing you can do to change her feelings, then move on. Simple as that. And don't change yourself to please her. You'll be as miserable as you are now.

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Today would have been a normal school day but then I noticed that whenever i was near her (i was hanging out with my "druggy " friends) she would come up to her friends and whisper something in their ear...and then when she walked away they would look at me....and then...in music...my friend and i were discussing whether i really look like finch, and then i looked around an my eyes caught her looking at me and smiling...so i was like...yeah......and then again...as i passed by her friends they would look at me...I just passed by...

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